Chapter 4: The showoff

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"This is boring and dumb."

"It's school."


Aiden tugged on his tie and tried to loosen it but his new school uniform prevented movement. He had gone from a free-roaming warrior loosely tied to an order of mystical demigods to a school student with class, grades... and homework.

At least he was heading to the one subject he actually liked, combat class.

Him and Weiss, the person he had been talking to, arrived at Glynda's class a few minutes late. Courtesy of Weiss having to go to the toilet.

"And where have you two been?" Said Glynda, preparing to reprimand them in from of the entire class.

"Weiss had... girl issues."

The heiress blushed furiously and almost ran to her seat.

"Oh, I see." The professor was slightly stunned but quickly recovered and went on with the lesson.

"Today will be a series of team battles, two versus two, this is to test your ability to work with others and their distinct forms of combat.

Everyone in the class nudged each other, already making teams.

"First up is team RWBY, the team is uneven in numbers so one of the teams must have an extra person, any volunteers?"

The class looked at each other, none willing to volunteer.

"Could I make a suggestion professor?"

"Of course."

"Could we try a four vs one match?"

"Hmm, alright, if you lose consider it your punishment for coming late."


Glynda was surprised at the confidence Aiden had displayed in his suggestion, either he was incredibly cocky or he was insanely good. Either way, the class would soon find out.

Team RWBY lined up on one side of the arena and Aiden on the other. The team seemed slightly hesitant but Glynda reminded them that they were being marked and assessed on their performance today.


Yang immediately ran at Aiden and shot behind her, propelling herself into the air and boosting her speed considerably. Aiden quickly sidestepped her attack, causing Yang to fly into the wall of the stadium and plummet to the ground. 

The rest of team RWBY approached in a more cautious manner and slowly encircled Aiden, Weiss struck first as she used one of her glyphs to strike at Aiden by boosting herself forward, her sword pointed in a strike position. Aiden drew his sniper and jumped over Weiss, while midair he aimed and hit the dust depository located in Weiss' sword. The ensuing explosion blew the Heiress into the same wall Yang had hit. 

The explosion also propelled Aiden high up into the air, he summoned a Warhammer of solar light and flew toward the ground, slamming the mighty weapon into the ground and sending forth a burning line of fire that Blake and Ruby had to dodge. Ruby quickly stuck her scythe into the ground and began firing at Aiden who batted the slugs away with his hammer while running toward Ruby, Ruby used her semblance to back away while Blake ran forward.

The Faunus immediately threw the ribbon of her sword at Aiden, trying to entrap him. Aiden let the ribbon trap and simply let out a burst of solar heat that burned the ribbon to ember.

Blake was momentarily stunned which gave Aiden enough time to draw his pulse rifle and shoot a few bursts into Blake, breaking her semblance and taking her out of the fight. 

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