Last Minute Saviour

Start from the beginning

'Because, of the cutting of the flesh, the sawing of the bone. And especially the blood!' Stiles exclaims.

'You faint at the sight of blood?' Derek asks clearly annoyed as hell with us.

'No, but I might at the sight of a capped off arm!' Stiles defends.

'Alright, how about this. Either you cut off my arm or I cut off your head.' Derek says clearly losing his temper.

'That would be entertaining to watch.' I mumble.

No it would not!' Stiles says.

'You know I'm so not buying the threats anymore.' Stiles says and Derek gabs his collar pulling him halfway across the table threateningly.

'Okay, all right. Bought, sold, totally I'll do it.' Stiles says.

'You know threatening to chop of people's heads really doesn't help with you claiming not to be a psychotic murderer.' I say and Derek glares at me before throwing up on the floor next to the table, I scrunch up my nose.

'Well I'm not eating tonight.' I say.

'Oh I'm so sorry that I made you lose your appetite Stark.' Derek snaps annoyedly. 

'Apology accepted.' I say smirking and I swear he's going to impale me with that handsaw and second now.

'Oh my God! What is that?' Stiles asks looking at the black substance that Derek threw up seconds ago.

'It's my body trying to heal itself.' Derek says.

'Well it's doing a marvellous job.' I mumble sarcastically.

'Now! You gotta do it now!' Derek says with his arm outstretched.' 

'Look honestly I don't think I can.' Stiles says and I roll my eyes.

'I'll do it.' I say reaching for the handsaw but Stiles pushes me away.

'Like hell am I allowing that!'

'Well I don't have a problem sawing off his arm and you do. So I'll do it.' I say reaching for the handsaw once again.

'No!' Stiles says.

'JUST DO IT!' Derek yells and Stiles places the saw to his arm.

'Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Alright here we go!' Stiles says.

'Stiles!?' Scott calls out and I turn to the door as Scoot runs in.

'What the hell are you doing?!' He asks looking at Stiles.

'Cutting off Derek's arm.' I say shrugging and Scott gives me a look like he thinks I'm crazy.

'Oh you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares.' Stiles says looking overly relieved.

'Did you get it?' Derek asks and Scott fishes out a normal looking bullet giving it to Derek.

'What are you gonna do?' Scott asks.

'Shoot yourself? Because then you should've asked for a gun to.' I say and I'm pretty sure Derek Hale is going to murder me after this.

'I'm gonna.....I'm gonna.' And then Derek Hale glamorously faints and the bullet rolls across the floor and into the drain. Scott races after the bullet whilst Stiles jumps to Derek's aid.

'I think he's dying!' Stiles exclaims.

'I think he's dead!' I love Stiles out of the way slightly and I place two of my fingers against his neck searching for his pulse, I find a very faint one thumping softly beneath my finger tips.

'Got it!' Scott yells and Stiles raises his fist.

'Please don't kill me for this.' And then Stiles punches Derek through the face. It was epic. I wish I got a slo motion video of it. Derek's eyes shoot open and we help him up.

Scott gives Derek the bullet and Derek bites off the back of the bullet and empires the baby blue gun powder onto the metal table. He then reaches into his jean pocket and pulls out a lighter. Ok who the hell just walks around with a lighter in their pocket. It seems weird considering his family died in a fire.... boy I'm so mean.

 Derek then sets the gun powder aflame and once the blue flames die down he scares the powder into his hand. He places the burnt order into the wound and groans in pain, before collapsing to the floor and making pained noises as he wriggles around. I watch as the blackened veins and bullet wound disappears leaving a smooth muscled arm behind.

'Well that as entertaining.' I mumble sarcastically.

'That was...AWESOME! YES!' Stiles cheers and he receives looks from Bothe Scott and myself.

'Are you okay?' Scott asks, and I look between Scott and Derek still wondering whether or not there's something going on there.

'Except for the agonising pain?' Derek asks sarcastically and I smirk at this, that's probably exactly what I would've said. 

''I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health.' Stiles says and I shake my head.

'I dunno, you'd probably be spewing sarcastic comments on your death bed.' I say and Stiles shrugs.

'Okay we saved your life which means your gonna leave us alone.' Scott says, oh well there goes the relationship. I dunno whether you should break up with someone seconds after they almost died but Scott takes his girlfriend onto a school bus for some romantic alone time so.....

'You got that? And if you don't I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad and I'm gonna tell him everything.' Scott says.

'Do you have death wish Scotty Boy?' I ask raising a brow.

'You're gonna trust them? You thing they can help you?' Derek asks coldly.

'Why not? They're a lot freaking nicer than you are.' 


'Yeah I can show you exactly how nice they are.' Derek says and I walk over to the corner picking up his shirt and throwing it at him, it hits him square in the face and Derek glares at me. After he pulls on his shirt we leave the animal clinic and I hope I won't have to come back here again.

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