Chapter 6

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Roman let himself get lost in his thoughts. It was supposed to be a perfect day, but he managed to fuck it up. Roman sighed as he looked back down at the dirt road. He was soon curious on how it would be like to live in the village and not in the palace. Roman stopped as he saw Patton bend down to something.

Patton got up with a paper in his hand as Roman noticed Nala ran off. "Hey Roman, do you know what time it is?" Patton asked as he looked down at the paper. Roman looked around, trying to find a clock or something to help him figure out the time. "It's 4:37" Roman looked over Patton's shoulder in an attempt to read the paper.

Patton quickly put the paper away in his pocket, before turning around. "Then we better hurry!" Patton smiled as he clapped his hands together. "Hurry on what?" Roman turned his head slightly, confused by Patton's actions.

"Well, there is gonna be an event later today and you need to attend." Patton grabbed his arm before leading him back to his place.

~Time skip~

It was nearly 6 o'clock as people started gathering around. Virgil never liked being in huge crowds, or around people in general. Virgil made his way through the crowd, saying excuse me and sorry multiple times. Virgil sighed as he made it to the front where the others were. Remus and Roman sat near each other, with Patton in between them. Logan sat down on a bench next to them, looking at the pamphlet in his hands.

Virgil cautiously sat down next to Logan, who didn't seem to notice his presence. "Hey Lo." Virgil looked up at the stage that was set up in front of them. "Salutations Virgil." Logan looked up from the pamphlet. "Do you know what type of performances he does?" Logan asked. "Well, he does a huge variety. Every show he does, it's a different form of magic." Virgil somewhat smiled.

"I see." Logan went back to putting his attention on the pamphlet. A few minutes passed as it became dark, and the lights on the stage brightened. A mix of black and yellow smoke appeared by the left side of the stage, vanishing in a second. People clapped and cheered as Deceit appeared. "Thank you all for coming! I appreciate it." Deceit walked to the center of the stage as he scanned the crowd.

A small smile formed as he saw Virgil and Patton. They were always at his shows. Remus was amazed and was buzzing in his seat. He has never seen a magic show before, neither has Roman. Their full attention was on the stage. Patton giggled at the facial expressions of the princes. Deceit outstretched his right arm, as one snake came out of his sleeve.

Deceit covered the whole stage in smoke as a giant snake rose. Its golden scales glowed from the stage lights. "We have three special guests with us today! The two princes and their advisor!" The snake announced. The people cheered as Remus looked down at the ground. Roman was happy and Logan kept his neutral expression.

Patton placed a hand on Remus' shoulder, comforting him. "I'm sure that there are still people who like you" Patton gently smiled as he rubbed circles on his back, in a calming manner. "I doubt that anyone would consider me a prince.. but thanks for trying to comfort me" Remus wiped his eyes from the tears that threatened to spill.

The snake did a few more tricks while it mesmerized the audience. The snake soon leaped into the air as it turned back into Deceit, snakes wrapped around his two arms as he was holding a black cane. Everyone stared in surprise and awe. A smirk was visible on his face as the moon shined brighter.

Patton and Virgil got worried as they remembered the last time he did it, he passed out. Patton looked over towards Virgil, sharing the same worried glance. "Is he going to be okay?" Patton whispered under his breath. "I'm not sure. Let's just hope that we can get to him soon.." Virgil looked back at the stage as Patton nodded.

Deceit tried to keep himself upright, his head feeling light. 'Just a couple more minutes' he reminded himself as he did a few more acts. He bowed, concluding the end of the show. He waited until everyone left while Patton and Virgil rushed towards him. His legs gave out as he collapsed onto the floor.

"Janus!" Patton cried out as they both kneeled by his side. They both wrapped an arm around their shoulders as they helped him up. "You shouldn't have pushed yourself so much, Jan" Virgil whispered, enough for only the three of them to hear. Janus rolled his eyes as they walked down the stairs that led off the stage.

They stood still in silence as Janus sat down on one of the benches nearby. He groaned as a headache started to take place. "Patton, can you get my things that are backstage?" Janus' voice was hoarse and deep. Patton nodded as he made his way to the back entrance. The others stood around Janus while keeping their distance.

"Deceit, may I ask why you collapsed?" Logan spoke as he fixed his glasses from sliding off his face. "I was just tired." Janus took his mask off as he held it in his hands. Remus sat down next to Janus, whispering something into his ear to which he shook his head. "I'm back!" Patton shouted as he ran towards them.

A/N: I told myself that I was gonna postpone this chapter till next week, but me being me, I decided to upload it this week. I'm starting to have a bit more free time, even though it's quarantine so I'll probably try to fit in two chapters a week. Though I'm not sure which way it'll go, if it'll be one long chapter per week or two short chapters per week. I'll just see what happens. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter ^^

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