Chapter 4

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Logan's POV

When we looked at the door, I saw the same cat from earlier. "Nala!" Virgil shouted as he quickly ran towards the door, opening it for his feline friend. Patton and Janus seemed slightly shocked and confused, so I'm guessing that they didn't know. Virgil picked up the cat in his arms. "Um.. kiddo? Who's the cat that you have there?" Patton asked as he walked towards Virgil. "Her name is Nala, I found her in the forest."

"So you basically took a stray cat in?" Roman asked to which Virgil nodded. "She's a meanie.." Remus pouted "She hissed at me earlier today when I found Virgil with Logan." He recalled. "She probably doesn't like how you look bro," Roman snickered "And I don't blame her." Remus looked offended, putting a hand over his chest.

I made my way to Patton, concerned about what he said earlier. "Excuse me Patton, but may I ask you something?" "Oh sure kiddo! What's on your mind?" Patton asked cheerfully. "Well, I wanted to ask you what you meant when you said 'home' earlier to Deceit."

"Oh that," Patton laughed a bit "A lot of people get confused, but the three of us live here." A smile forming wider in his face. "Oh.. thank you Patton."

Third Person POV

"Hello Nala!" Patton squealed as he bent down in front of the cat. He reached out his hand before Janus gripped his wrist. "Patton, you're allergic," Janus let go "We don't want it happening again. You know how worried Virgil will get." Patton looked down at the cat before nodding. Nala meowed as she sat down in front of Patton.

An idea came into Patton's mind as he quickly got up. Roman watched his actions, slightly confused. He watched as Patton wrapped a cloth around his hand before sitting down in front of the cat once more. Patton giggled as he started petting Nala. "Virgil, can I.. talk to you in private?" Remus asked, dragging Virgil, again with him not answering.

Logan shook his head, seeing how familiar the two twin brothers could be. With Virgil and Remus, they were behind the building. "Virge.. promise me you won't judge me for what I say.." Remus looked down at Virgil, his eyes intense but with a few lingering feelings. Virgil hesitated for a bit before nodding. "I promise Remus" Remus took in a big breath before speaking. "I'MGAYANDHAVEACRUSHONDEE!!" Remus yelled quickly before quickly closing his mouth.

The heavy silence wrapped around them as Virgil stood there, trying to figure out exactly what he said. Virgil smiled softly "I don't judge you and I accept you Remus" Remus smiled and enveloped Virgil into a hug, letting a few tears fall. Remus mumbled a 'thank you' as he let Virgil go. 'Does anyone else know?" "Only Roman, but not about me having a crush on Deceit." Virgil nodded as they both walked back.

Remus placed an hand on Virgil's shoulder, thanking him again. They both walked in seeing Logan lecturing the others. "What even happened? We were only gone for less than 5 minutes.." Virgil stood there concerned on what could have possibly happened.

Remus laughed as he saw Roman looking like a mess. Janus was slightly furious, but no where near compared to Logan. "Don't worry about it kiddo!" Patton said as he walked towards the counter, getting something behind it. "You do realize who you're talking to, right?"

-Time skip brought to you by Crofters-

It's been a few hours as it neared the sunset. They've been walking from store to store with mostly Roman and Patton buying things. "You two really shouldn't buy a lot of stuff" Virgil said as he put down the bags that made his arms numb. "I agree with Virgil, along with it nearly becoming sunset." Logan added, grabbing some of the bags that Virgil was holding. Virgil was about to say something before he noticed that Janus wasn't with them.

"I'll be right back.." Virgil walked off, heading towards the main plaza. He looked around until he saw a stage. Virgil made his way behind the stage, opening a wooden door and closing it behind him. He looked around taking in the details since he might never be able to enter again.

There were a few pictures hanging on the wall. Virgil looked at the pictures seeing that there was a male with a mask that covered half of his face and a black cape. His clothes just consisted of black and yellow. Everything was long sleeved. Yellow gloves. "Who's there!" The voice hissed, walking closer to where Virgil was. Virgil froze in place before turning around quickly. Virgil saw the same man from the pictures except this time he had two snakes with him.

Both snakes were a bright yellow color. One was around the mans shoulders while another was wrapped around his left arm. "What are you doing here and who are you?" the mans voice was sharp, Virgil stayed still as the place was mostly dark. The figure walked closer to Virgil as he pressed his back on the wall, eager to escape.

Once the figure was about a foot away, he froze mumbling something under his breath. "Why are you here Virgil?" he spoke softly giving Virgil more space. "J..Janus?" Virgil's body relaxed a bit as he nodded in response. "So you're here when you aren't with us?" Virgil chuckled slightly. "Well sometimes but you didn't answer my question Virgil." Janus' expression became a more serious one. 

"I was just curious on where you were, guessing on how you're dressed you have a performance today.." Virgil's voiced faltered a bit at the end. Silence filled the area, but a neutral silence. "You should get going Virgil, the others will be getting worried" Janus started pushing Virgil back to the door. The snake on Dee's left arm started to go towards Virgil's shoulder, making him tense. Janus led Virgil out the door, carefully grabbing the snake and closing the door.

"Make sure the royal brothers make it to the show!" he shouted through the door as Virgil nodded, knowing that the other couldn't see him.


Another chapter!! Again, sorry if it wasn't really good, but i hope you enjoyed it in the slightest.

Flowers Bloom ~Royalty AU~ Sander SidesWhere stories live. Discover now