Chapter 5

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Virgil started making his way back to where he last was with the others. From the distance, he saw two of them bickering at one another, close to becoming violent. Virgil swallowed hard and quickly went to them. "What even happened while I was gone..?" Virgil mumbled to himself. Roman and Remus were arguing, Patton seemed tense and Logan didn't seem phased by it.

"Oh shut it! You don't know what it's like to be the hated prince! Everyone adores you for fucks sake!" Remus shouted as he jabbed his finger into Roman's chest. Roman slapped his brother's hand away. "Well sorry that I have an image to uphold. All you do is run around and not even bother trying!" Roman growled, stepping closer to his brother.

Patton looked between the two, unsure of what to do. He didn't want to make it seem like he was choosing sides. Patton caught Virgil's attention, giving him pleading eyes to help. "Hah! You don't even know me, you stuck-up bitch!" Remus was close to tearing up, he bit the inside of his cheek to try to hold himself together. Roman gave a pained look from Remus' remark.

Remus knew that Roman didn't like being called a stuck-up. It made something in Roman somewhat snap. "At least I'm not the one who's responsible for our parents' death!" Roman yelled before storming off. A crowd had surrounded them during their lashing out. Murmurs were exchanged between the people.

Remus stood there frozen in place. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to feel or act. Tears threatened to spill on his face. He looked around the crowd and saw looks filled with fear and hate. He knew it was directed to him, and him only. He looks back at Logan and Patton. Patton was crying and Logan's mouth was ajar, a look of confusion and surprise.

Virgil felt a pang of guilt hit his chest. He wanted to say something but nothing came out. Remus soon ran off as tears fell down his face like a waterfall. "You better run! You were a useless prince anyway!" Someone from the crowd shouted followed by shouts of agreement.

"He's not a useless prince!" Patton shouted at the source of the voice, but his voice was drowned out. Virgil quickly made his way to the other two. "What happened?" Virgil asked worried for the two princes. "We're not exactly sure," Logan sighed "But it's not the first time they lash out at one another."

Patton rubbed his eyes, trying to stop his tears. "What.. are we going to do?" Patton asked, his voice soft and weak. "We're going to have to go after them. Patton, you go try to find where Roman went. I and Virgil will go after Remus... since his condition worsens a lot more than Roman." They all agreed and parted ways.

With Patton

Patton walked down the same path that he remembered Roman taking. "Roman? Are you there?" Patton called out every few seconds, in hope of an answer. He wasn't sure what he would say either. Patton continued searching for Roman. Unaware of the glances that he was receiving. "You should address the prince properly sir" A little boy said, looking up at Patton. "Oh, he's my friend and gave me permission to just address him as Roman!" Patton put on a smile as the boy's face lit up.

"But.. do you know where he went?" Patton asked the small boy, to which he nodded. "He went to the well near the woods." The boy pointed towards the direction of the prince. Patton said a soft thank you before heading towards the well.

Patton tried to calm his nerves as he neared the well, seeing Roman's figure in the distance. Patton ran towards Roman, nearly tripping as he got closer. Roman turned his head in the direction of Patton. Roman was slightly surprised to see anyone go after him. He was used to it just being the maids that went to check up on him, sometimes Logan.

Patton stopped before he could've crashed into Roman. "You alright Roman?" Patton asked genuinely. "No.. I'm not okay," Roman looked down at the water that barely filled the well "I accused Remus of their death.. again. It's bad enough that he felt responsible for it since day one!" Roman groaned, thinking back on the day to which he woke up to Remus crying and harshly blaming himself. Patton stood there quietly before enveloping Roman into a hug.

"It's gonna be alright Roman. I'm sure you two can fix what is broken." Patton softly spoke as Roman hugged the male before him. Roman nodded, even though deep down, he knew it would probably never be fixed. "Why don't we go somewhere to sit and talk for a bit?" Patton looked up after letting go. "Where exactly are we going to go?" Roman's nervous expression was now visible.

"Just wait and see!" Patton giggled as he grabbed Roman's hand, leading the way. Roman smiled softly, as he followed Patton. They got a couple of weird and disgusted stares, but Roman ignored them. A bakery soon came into view, the outer walls were a soft pink, with pastel blue designs. They both walked in, the smell of fresh baked goods hitting their face. "Hey mom!" Patton said, hugging the lady behind the counter.

The lady turned around, smiling at the sight of her son. "Hello Patton, Virgil was here earlier today along with the other prince and someone else." Her smile and voice was soft.  "What would you like dearie?" she asked looking at Patton and Roman. "Just something quick to eat." Patton said as he went behind the counter, grabbing a few sweets. "Here Ro, hold these." Patton handed the paper bag filled with sweets towards Roman.

Patton took out his wallet, taking out about $15 dollars, paying for it. "Please take the money ma." Patton pulled his puppy eyes, knowing she wouldn't be able to resist. The two tried to convince the other, soon Patton won, paying for the sweets. Roman stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. "Well son, guess you won this time." she smiled. "Prince Roman, I hope you make most of your time outside the palace walls." she winked at him before going into the back room.

Something seemed familiar about the lady, but Roman didn't know what it was. The two soon walked out, letting the silence settle in as Patton hummed to himself. Roman looked up at the sky. Still a bright blue, yet it made him feel guilty once more. Roman sighed as he held onto the bag, even tighter than before.

Flowers Bloom ~Royalty AU~ Sander SidesWhere stories live. Discover now