"You better stay with me then, hold onto my jacket or something." Nodding my head as I grab onto his jacket sleeve and we both head outside. Following Major as he moves about the yard. I have to admit that I feel pretty comical about this whole situation, anyone looking into my backyard would probably have a lot of questions. It's not everyday you see two teenagers sleuthing around a backyard with a dog leading. Yeah I think it's safe to say that we look like we smoked some shit we shouldn't have.

"How out of it do we seem right now?" I can't help but ask as we round back towards the house, having not seen anything.

"I don't know if out of it is the right term, but I think it's safe to say someone is going to say we've lost a few screws tonight." I release an uneasy laugh, trying to make light about all of this just seems like a really poor decision. Walking back inside I see myself reverting back to an age old habit that never seems to fully leave me. I start to worry my lip as I pull the door shut, locking it. Staring out into my darkened backyard sends an uneasy shiver down my spine.

"Thank you for looking around with me. I'm sure right about now you're thinking I belong in the loony bin." I attempt to shake off the unnerving feeling that has determined to not let go.

"Nah, you gotta give me a bit more credit. If you're in the loony bin then so am I. Listen I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone here tonight. You okay with me keeping you company tonight?" Glancing back outside I fold my arms over one another, holding myself to attempt to calm my nerves that continue to fry themselves.

"I wouldn't turn the offer down at this point - please don't feel like you have to. If you'd rather you can go home, I'm sure I'll be fine." Closing my eyes I force myself to calm down, and try to stop my overactive imagination from tunneling down the troubling path it's chosen.

"Well take pity on me then, sooth my worries and let me keep you company ok?" I just laugh and swallow agreeing with him. What harm will it do to have him stay the night, it's not like we are going to do anything but sleep and maybe talk.

"Okay, you might want to call your mom then. Are you hungry?" We walk back towards the kitchen and I pull off my jacket. Hanging it up on one of the coat hooks, I grab his jacket and hang it up as well.

"Not yet, I'm gonna give my mom a call." I nod and head for the stairs listening as he follows me. I walk into my room, waving an arm around.

"You can hang out, turn the TV on, I don't care at this point. I'm going to go take a shower real quick. Feel free to raid the kitchen or whatever." I explain as I walk into my closet grabbing my pj's for the night. He nods looking around the room and pulling out his phone to call Sandy I'm guessing. Walking out of the room I head for the bathroom to take a shower. I start it up automatically turning it to warm hoping to work out at least half of the tension in my body.

My lack of sleep apparently has been hitting me a lot harder than I thought possible. I don't know what it is about lack of sleep but it must just send out some kind of signal for my night terrors. The sad part is I had actually forgotten what those little devils actually do to me. The cold sweats start the downfall and it typically ends with some twisted form of sleep paralysis. What a fun way to start a day. Stepping out of the shower I realized that I could've picked my pj's better.

A pair of fuzzy pj shorts, cami, and an over sized hoodie. At this point I don't care about the slight scars I still bear or the fact that it looks like I'm not wearing pants. I simply don't care if Ry gets offended or disgusted with the sight of my bare legs. Then whatever. Throwing my hair in a messy bun I put my glasses one and walked out of the bathroom back to my room. "I brought your bag up." Looking up at Ryker as I drop everything into my hamper, I see our bags and an extra one on top of my bed.

"Thank you, what's up with the extra bag?" I crawl onto my bed with a slight yawn.

"I'm borrowing some clothes from Blake for the night. Can we wash mine from today?" I nod.

"Yeah, just drop them in the hamper over there and I'll throw it in the wash tonight. The bathroom is the first door on the right, use whatever you want." I give him the direction to the bathroom and stare at my backpack, really not looking forward to the little bit of homework I have left to do. Leaning back against all of my pillows I turn the TV on watching a rerun of street outlaws. A show that I have become obsessed with, the guys always talked about it at the shop and I became curious enough to look into it.

Major wanders into the room with his bone hanging from his mouth, I just chuckle at him, the bone is really big. It's actually kinda comical how he totes it around the house into each room. Major doesn't like to be left in a room by himself when people are in the house. Of course it could just be because he knows that I spoil him. That isn't actually that far outta belief. I watch as Major walks over to his dog bed, climbing on top before laying down with the bone between his front paws.

I move Ry's school bag over and pull mine in front of me, opening it I pull out my binders and look at the remainder of my homework. I don't have all that much left to do, but I just don't want to finish it. Ry walks back into the room dropping his clothes into the hamper, looking a lot more like the guy who takes me to school rather than the guy who brings me home. "Ok now I'm getting hungry, you up for food?" I chuckle at him, it's a perfect distraction.

"Yeah, want to do nachos tonight?" I slide off the bed watching as he nods.

"Sounds great to me." Shaking my head with a tired smile I grab my hamper and head downstairs.

"Why don't you start by pulling everything out for them? I'm gonna throw this in the wash." He gives me a thumbs up and heads for the kitchen. Going to the laundry room I dump the clothes into the washer adding detergent and fabric softener. After setting all of the settings I leave shutting the light off. As I walk past the backdoor I peer out into the darkness once more, I wonder if something is going on or if I'm just losing my freaking mind.

"Alright let's get these made so we can finish our homework and go to freaking bed." I announce as I walk back into the kitchen helping him prepare all of the fixings he has chosen. I pull out a cookie sheet to back it all on and soon we have our nachos, and drinks. Heading back upstairs we get to work on the rest of our homework. Bouncing between working, watching the show and mindless chatter. 

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