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Your P.O.V

I stepped out of Marcus's car and unintentionally slammed the door shut. Instead of walking towards the water fountain, where I know my friends are standing, I walked to the side of the school where Gene, Sasha, and Zenix would most likely be. As I neared them I realized that Sasha was not around, it made sense considering she has to walk to school and sometimes shows up late. Gene was either ignoring the fact that I was coming towards him, or he really didn't notice because he was on his phone. Although I'm fairly sure it's the first option.

"Why have you been leaving chocolate in my locker?" I asked instantly, my voice came out loud and I instantly wished I had said it quieter.

"Oh so you knew. I figured Garroth took credit for that." Gene said, he didn't look up at me once.

"No he didn't, and that doesn't answer my question." I said. Gene shrugged like it was a response and I gave him a 'really' look.

"I guess I just wanted to do something nice." Gene smilled at me although it seemed like the fakest smile he could have made, "Considering you seem to think I'm such a bad person."

"Your right, I do think your a horrible person." I said.

"I still don't know why that is." Gene looked as if he was serious about what he just said.

"How about the fact that you blackmailed me with a picture that wasn't even Garroth's. And then you kissed me, knowing full well that I have a boyfriend." I almost felt as if I was wisper yelling.

"Heat of the moment." Gene shrugged again, it seems to be his favorite thing to do.

"What moment? There was no moment. I've never done anything to you." My voice was becoming loud again like I had no control over it.

"I don't see why you care." Gene was looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Why I care about what? The fact that you made me break up with-"

"No," Gene rolled his eyes at me, "I mean why do you care if I leave chocolate in your locker."

"Because it's weird." I said surprised that that's what Gene had responded with, "We're not friends, it's weird to do that to people you're not friends with."

"I'd consider you a friend." He was struggling to say it and yet he kept going. "I talk to you more than I talk to, most people."

"That means nothing, we're not friends." I glared at Gene, I wrapped my arms around myself feeling an urge to cover myself up.

The bell rang and I turned away from Gene, walking towards the door. I walked to my locker and barely got the chance to open my locker before Garroth was standing next to me. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, he wouldn't normally stop at my locker right before homeroom.

"What are you talking to Gene for?" Garroth asked, he almost seemed like he was out of breath.

"Did you know that Gene was the one leaving chocolate in my locker?" I asked. The look on Garroth's face changed to something I couldn't quite match with any emotion.

"No, I didn't know that. If I did I would have snapped his neck." Garroth said before he turned slightly and tried to walk away from me. I grabbed onto his upper arm making him take a step back to where he had previosly been standing.

"Don't say that. You can't kill him." I said letting go of Garroth and turning towards my locker in order to unpack my bag.

"Mm I'm going to. You can't stop me." Garroth sounded more like he was telling himself instead of telling me.

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