2. The party

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The next morning we rushed to get ready for school. Neither one of us was smart enough to actually set an alarm. I just happened to jolt awake 10 minutes after my usual alarm would go off.

"Ow!" Imani whined." I accidentally elbowed her in the middle of forcing the brush through my tangled ass curls.

She glared at me before spitting her toothpaste into the sink. Neither one of us is a morning person.

"Nobody told you to be a left handed weirdo, but insist to be on my right side." I huffed just giving up on my hair and forcing it into a bun.

"I was gonna put some pop tarts in the toaster for you but never mind." She said turning on her heel.

"Nooo stop!" I whined

She smirked, knowing she was being mean as fuck.

"Nope, you've called me weird for being left handed one too many times. I wouldn't want to soil your precious breakfast by making it with my left hand." She said wiping her mouth on my towel.

I pouted "please! Don't be dramatic Imani what do you want? A kiss?"  I smirked playfully.

I saw that it was a bad idea as soon as the words came out of my mouth.

Her facial expression dropped and her face got a little red. "That's not funny."

"I- Imani I'm sorry, you're right. That's insensitive but you know we joke like that.. I just wanted some pop tarts"

"I was going to  make your stupid pop tarts" she said leaving the bathroom.

I looked at myself confused as fuck in the mirror. I swear Imani has NEVER been this sensitive.

I left the bathroom and went into my room. I put on my shoes and grabbed my bookbag heading downstairs.

"Are you really mad at me?" I asked taking a warm poptart from the pile.

She rolled her eyes "no. You just get on my nerves sometimes. Like damn."

I smiled giving her a big hug. "But you loooveee me?"

She reluctantly hugged me back. "Yes, I love you"

"Fucking lesbians" Tao said passing us by.

Imani glared at him.

"Tao wait!"


"Take us to school"

He scrunched up his face. "Hell no, I'm not gonna be late to my classes for y'all" he said before closing the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes. He thinks he's so cool because he's in his freshman year of community college.

Sadly because my brother is an asshole my mom dropped us off.

"Okay sweetie, have a great day,I'll be back to pick you up at 3:45!"

"Okay"  I said hopping out quickly.

It has to be a fast escape every time I take to long she tried to get me to sing along to this song she use to play every time she dropped me off in elementary school.

"You be doing your mom dirty, she's so sweet. If she was my mom I would've been came out"

I looked over at her surprised. "You didn't come out to your parents yet?"

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