Chapter 20

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August 21st

The awards show is tomorrow and Annabeth is crazy nervous. Not for the presentation, though that too, but for today.

Somehow, she'd managed to land an audition for Waitress and thus far, she was up for a standby role of Jenna. She wasn't quite sure how she'd ended up here, but even if she was turned away now, she was grateful for the experience.

(It sounds cliché, but Annabeth wasn't kidding, it had been a wonderful lesson for her and it would be a big leap to star in a Broadway show. She felt very out of place alongside the five other girls up for the same position as they were all professionally trained. Annabeth had passion and talent, but her most recent performance had been as Beth in her high school show of Little Women so she was definitely rusty.)

Thankfully, Jenna didn't have to properly dance at any point - save the sweet little dance she does in the diner with Joe and the fast paced routine of Bad Idea - so there was a very easy-to-follow dance call that focused more on simple steps and easy movement. Annabeth had never been much of a dancer, strong mover might be the better term for it, but she managed to keep up as best she could.

This is the third round of auditions she's attended and she's already mastered her southern accent from the repetitive dialogue auditions. They know she can sing from her initial call, but this felt like the next level.

The boy that's called in to sing with them is broad shouldered and handsome with piercing blue eyes that make Annabeth feel cold. He's attractive, sure, possibly even someone who would've her type a few years ago, though she's not so sure anymore. There's something icy about him that she wouldn't've noticed if she hadn't been comparing it to Percy's warmth.

While he sings with the first girl, Katie, Annabeth tries to figure out where she knows him from.

"You can see why he's playing the hot doctor, I think I have a fever just looking at him." Kayla says, elbowing Annabeth gently in the side. So that's where she knew him from, of course, he was on as Dr Pomatter when she'd come to see the show a few weeks ago.

"Last but by no means least, Annabeth Chase, you're up." The casting director calls her over and hands her the libretto sides. They're easing her in gently, she thinks when she spots which duet they're doing first. It Only Takes A Taste was casual enough for two people that have yet to meet. Bad Idea was next though so she better get to know him pretty darn fast.

He holds out is hand. "Luke," Politely, she smiles and shakes his hand.

Now Annabeth was all about professionalism. Despite the guilt that settled in her stomach when she sang with Luke, she knew it was part of the job. If she was uncomfortable with this, she might as well back out here and now before she got roped into this continually. She swallowed the bile that was building in her throat and got on with it.

The blocking for Bad Idea was rather raunchy and so inevitably Annabeth was bright red the entire time. Prop pies were difficult to work with, especially when the content was whipped cream and not actual pie so when Luke lifts his face from where the pie is positioned over her crotch (you see her dilemma here) and the plate sticks to it, she can't help but giggle. Luke's whipped cream covered smirk when she pulls the plate from his face makes her smile waver.

When they finish the third duet, the casting director grins. "Your chemistry is awesome, guys, you seem to just click." The casting director, a man called Lester Papadopoulos who insisted on going by the name Apollo, scribbles some notes in a book. "Right, Luke, you best get some dinner before call time. Annabeth... can we speak for a moment?"

Everyone shuffles accordingly. Luke sends her a wink before following the assistant director and panel out of the room and Annabeth feels her gut twist.

"Miss Chase, we are genuinely considering you for the role." Apollo spoke quietly as the door swung closed behind everyone. "Possibly even a more prominent role than a standby or swing. I understand you have a following on social media." Her heart sinks. Of course this conversation would come up eventually.

"I do... But I can assure you it won't impact my work ethic or anything, sir."

Apollo let out a breathy laugh and shakes his head. "I don't doubt that, Annabeth. But we are well aware that our show, as beloved as it is, is not doing well financially. We want to make you an offer. I just wanted to make it very clear from the start that this was not brought on by your following. Admittedly, the audience it would bring in would be beneficial, but I want you to know that I would offer you a part regardless."

The butterflies in her stomach are doing somersaults.

"I've written out the details for you and have a contract to sign when you're ready." Apollo places a small envelope in her hand. "Give me a call when you have an answer."

She's left alone in the room to stare at the envelope she's holding. Her name is scribbled on the front in the messiest penmanship she thinks she's ever seen. Something holds her back from opening the letter and reading it's contents right now, so she takes a cab back to her apartment and does the only thing she can think to do.

Call her emotionally unstable, sure, but it works, okay?

She starts the video before she's remembered what she's doing and why. It stings to remember why she'd started videoing things like this even though it's become more of a coping mechanism for when she didn't want to be alone for big news but didn't want to hassle anyone on the off chance it wasn't news to celebrate.

The first time she'd done this had been for when she'd opened her test results for her first big exam season - or as big as an exam season could be for a first grader. Her absent mother had always been a bit of a sore spot, but when she reached seven and her father began to get distant too she felt like she needed someone to experience the big moments with her. Baby faced Annabeth had figured that if her parents wouldn't be there for her, future Annabeth would be able to watch back and be proud that she'd been able to do everything on her own.

So yeah, maybe she wasn't able to cope with her childhood. She was doing good. The amount of videos she had of herself opening envelopes like she was now must mean she was doing something right.

Her thumb slips under the envelope seal and she pulls out the paper.

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