Chapter 41

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March 6th

The moment the curtains closed, Annabeth sprang into action.

Everything felt a bit backwards. Usually actors would relax when the curtains closed and take a moment to get their breath back before they left the theatre. That wasn't the case tonight. Annabeth had taken her bow, Ella beaming on her hip as the pair of them waved frantically, and then she had hurried out of her show gear. 10:15, she noted as she slipped her watch on her wrist again. Her flight wasn't until 1am but she wanted to get to the airport with as much time to spare as humanly possible. Kayla helped her braid her hair once the wig was off - it made for much comfortable napping on the plane when there wasn't a hair band digging into the back of her head - and Butch carried her bags into a cab for her. Wishing her farewell, they all waved at her as she drove away from the theatre.

She had booked off the Monday evening show on the 8th several weeks in advance, that's how long she had been planning this. Annabeth had finished her Saturday evening show and would take a 1am flight to Sacramento, the current location for The Halfbloods tour. It wouldn't be perfect, she would land at about 8pm in that time zone and so Percy would be busy on stage for a while longer, but at least it would give her a little time to get some rest.

She must've dozed off the second they were in the air because when she wakes to a stewardess tapping her shoulder politely, she can't remember a single thing of flying.

"Ma'am, we've landed in Sacramento." The woman smiles, her eyes kind and strangely familiar. Annabeth doesn't take the time to work out where she recognises the woman from and instead she gathers her belongings and switches her phone back on. She doesn't expect to see a message from Percy. She hadn't even told him when she was visiting, just that she had some kind of plan to see him soon.

percyjackson18 hope your shows went okay today? you didn't call so i just wanted to check nothings wrong xx

Naturally, he was the perfect boyfriend and she was next to useless at keeping in touch. Amidst all of the plan to go and see him, she'd forgotten their weekly arrangement of ringing when she got back to her apartment after a two show day. Annabeth cursed as she scrolled through her contacts.

"Hey, how are you? Was the flight okay?" Through the phone line, Annabeth could hear the bass of Thalia's guitar and it made her ear buzz.

"It was okay, slept the entire time." Will chuckles at her response as Annabeth climbs into the back of a cab. "I'm not entirely sure where I'm going. I've got the directions to the arena."

"You wanna head straight for the main car park, there's a load of trucks round the back, just find those. I'll wait with security to make sure you get in. What's your ETA?" As Will spoke, Annabeth reiterated to the cab driver everything that was being said. The car swerved around a sharp corner and into the arena car park so she quickly hung up on Will with the promise that she would see him in just a moment. And true to his word, there he was next to the buff looking security guard who wore a red spotted bandana to push back their mop of mousy brown hair.

When they pull up, the driver pops the trunk and puts Annabeth's overnight bag on the curb.

"Will," She greeted, swinging her legs out of the car and hugging him. It wasn't just Percy she had missed since they'd embarked on a World Tour. "It's so nice to see you."

Annabeth relaxed onto his shoulder, suddenly reminded of how tired she was. "Hey, sleepyhead. Guess you've had a long day. Percy will be thrilled to see you though." As he spoke, Will took her bag and guided her inside, babbling about what was going on onstage.

"The opening act finished about an hour ago, so our guys haven't been on long. You'll get to see the second half of their set - if you can stay awake, that is." Annabeth was yawning now, her eyes drooping.

From backstage, the audience's cheering seemed muffled and canny. There was a screen positioned besides who Annabeth deduced was the stage manager and on it were three small figures. One dressed entirely in black. He would blend in with the plain backdrop behind him if it wasn't for the way the light shone on him and left a shadow of pale blue light just to one side. Another figure looked to be wearing almost all black, save for what Annabeth guessed was chains and ripped clothing that revealed pale skin and reflected the spotlight that was pointed on the person. And the third, final figure was practically glowing. On further inspection, she noticed it was because, like the second figure, their exposed skin was reflecting the light pointed at the stage. The only difference being that Percy wasn't wearing ripped clothes. He just wasn't wearing a shirt.

(Annabeth woke up a little more when she realised. Okay, so maybe it was a little shallow of her to be more interested when he was shirtless but who was she kidding, he looked good. And she hadn't seen her boyfriend in over a month...)

"When do you want him to know you're here?" Will asks, thankfully redirecting her attention before she starts drooling. "You'll have to hide if you don't want him to find out till the end. He'll run backstage for a drink in a minute."

It wasn't enough warning. While Annabeth was weighing up her decision with Will, she had already been spotted. Someone whispered something along the lines of "You don't have time!" Their voice harsh despite the obvious lack of volume, but that didn't stop whoever they were talking to.

"Annabeth?" Oh.

Just seeing him in real life again made her stomach flip inside out. He was sweaty, not disgustingly sweaty, but attractively so, if that was even possible. His forehead was shiny and pink from all the exertion but his bare chest glistened. Focus, Annabeth. She dragged her eyes away from his abs (he had clearly been working out in his free time) and back up to his face. Met with a goofy smile and stunning green eyes that twinkle back at her, Annabeth sighs to herself.

Will elbows her not-so-subtly and she gets the impression that she's been staring. Her body freezes when she tries to come up with something to say. She had planned it all out, there was a notes page on her phone dedicated to all the things she had to tell him in the brief time she could, but instead, three words echo in her skull. The only three words she'd decided she definitely, categorically would not be saying as a greeting, especially not now when the moment would inevitably get cut short when he had to go back onstage. Her gut reacts instinctively before she can hold herself back.

"I love you."

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