5 ≻ Goodbye

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I went back to sit at the table, grabbed another blank sheet of paper and wrote.

Cullen family,

I'm sure that by now you must be aware of my plan as Alice must have seen me decide. However, I'd really appreciate you don't try to stop me.

I guess I cannot leave without apologizing. I know my arrival to Forks and to your lives had its consequences, mostly negatives I'm afraid. I know a written apology won't change anything, but I'm sure my departure will definitely bring peace to your family.

I will never be able to thank you for how much you took care of me and my family. You treated me as one of you from the very beginning and I will never forget that. Even in the hardest times when I was completely devastated all of you were there for me.

I'm sure you know why I'm leaving and where, so again I ask you no to follow me as it would be a risk for you. From now on, I'll be on my own. If it helps you not to worry, you have taught me all I need to know to be in charge of my own safety.

I will always remember you and I honestly hope someday our paths will cross again, and maybe then I won't be a threat anymore.

From the deepest of my heart, my love to all of you.


I took a minute to recover again and put the two letters into the envelopes. My duty was done but then I realized I was missing something.


I knew that I would never get to see him again as he had decided that for both of us. Yet, a part of me knew that there was a remote chance I got to say goodbye to him too.

I went to my bedroom and took a new blank paper and an envelope. I sat in my bed and let all my love and anger go with my words.


I have no idea where you are and if you still think of me, but I think that after everything we went through, I deserve a proper chance to say goodbye.

I'm leaving Forks and I'm not coming back. This place reminds me a lot of you, of us, and that is something I can't tolerate anymore. Maybe your family will contact you to stop me, but I forbid you to do so. You made your decision some time ago. Well, this is mine.

Even though I have the sensation I cannot feel anything at all anymore, I'm sure my love for you is buried deep inside me, but still intact. It has taken me a lot of effort to understand that I won't ever see you again, so I can only wish you the best. I don't know if we will ever meet someday, but to be honest, I hope not. You were and probably will always be the love of my life, but you hurt me so much with your decisions, not once, but twice.

This letter may never get to you, but just in case, I wish you a happy eternity. I'll look for mine alone.

Please, take care of you and of my heart that you took along with you.

With my eternal love,


I signed the three envelopes and grabbed all my stuff and the keys of my truck. I left the letter for my parents above my pillow and whispered goodbye as I closed the door behind me.

As I made my way downstairs my mind seemed to react to my actions and did me a favour. The switch of my emotions was suddenly turned off. I took a last look at my home and pressed my hand to the wall in a silly attempt to say goodbye. I opened the door, hid the two remaining letters under the entrance carpet and ran to my truck. Once inside, I texted Alice:

"I left something for you under the carpet of my house. Love you, B."

No more explanations were needed. I turned my truck on and drove away as I tried to enjoy my last minutes driving between the woods under a cloudy sky.

I would soon see the sun shining bright in my new life. 


I want to apologize for this chapter. English is not my first language so I'm sorry for the possible grammar mistakes I made. Also, I'm terrible al letter writing but I'm sure you already noticed that.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. Please vote and comment for the next update!

Love, Agus

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