chapter 8 - did you miss me?

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Patience isn't a virtue I ever bothered to learn

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Patience isn't a virtue I ever bothered to learn.

Frankly, I never needed it. People do as they're told the moment I'm done giving a certain order.

Ergo, my lack of patience explains why I am at the docks when it's close to midnight instead of waiting for a few more days to interrogate John and Chad–I know their names now. They were cleared of any bugs the day they were brought in, but a certain someone distracted me from the bloodthirst I was feeling towards them.

The original plan was to bring them to the warehouse after they were cleared, but it then seemed like a waste of time. I mean, they are going to end up dead anyway so why bother with the back and forth? Besides, they haven't been very cooperative with the whole thing, so again, a waste of energy, waste of space.

I hate it.

Just like the muffled whimpers that have been playing ever since I came here. So much for being a grown man. Christ.

The metal chair squeaks under my weight when I lean back so it's balanced on just the back legs. I place my boot clad foot dangerously close to John's crotch or was it Chad? Can't be bothered. He whimpers again, looking up at me with tear filled eyes and breathing harshly against the duct tape, his cheeks hollowing and puffing with every breath he takes.

"Do you know how you almost ruined things for me when you showed up that day?" I ask, my tone lethally calm.

A choked sob escapes his throat and I roll my eyes, ripping off the tape, making him grunt.


"Ah ah," I interrupt, inching my foot closer to his crotch and pressing down a little, not too hard. He still screams.

"You know better than to waste my time with useless things. You had to lose your fingernails in order for me to get that point across. Let's not waste my effort, yeah? If you say anything that's not worth my time, you'll end up with crushed balls next before you can even finish, understand?" I press down harder to make my point clearer and he nods hastily, biting down a groan.

"Who sent you?" A flash of fear passes on his face, his body racking with shudders and sobs.  

"I don't know."

I sigh, not bothering to hold back this time when I press down. He howls in pain, the sound echoing off the metal walls of the storage container. He struggles in his binds, envelopes his body forward and begs for mercy.

Anything to get away from me. It's useless.

"It's true! I'm not lying. We were just supposed to pretend to bring you in and drop you off somewhere where they would have picked you up. That's all!" He says it all in one breath.

Huh, interesting. I take my foot away, snapping my fingers twice.

"The address."

He licks his busted lips, panting and breathing sharply through his nose. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, an ear piercing wail comes out of it, his face twisting up as if he's in pain.

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