chapter 6 - first crack in my defence

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Like I said before, universe really likes to fuck with me.

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath in and out before turning around to meet the person I've been trying to avoid.

Look where that got me. Right fucking in front of him.

"Antonov, what do you want?" I ask dryly, biting my tongue when he smiles and forcing myself to not shoot expletives at him.

I look him up and down, taking in his outfit for today. Light washed denim with a knitted, shawl neck cream colour sweater and a long black overcoat. His dark hair, messy and occasionally falling into his eyes which he pushes right back and a shiny, black watch glints from underneath the sleeve.

Our shoes match, which feels weirdly good.

So different from his boardroom outfit and yet somehow equally tempting, if not more.

"Ah, straight to the point. Okay, have dinner with me."

I'm pretty sure if I was drinking something right now, I'd definitely choke on it because what the fuck?

I do a double take to find any trace of amusement...but nothing. Sincerity shines brighter than flaming fire on his face.

Still, I can only say. "Huh?"

"You asked me what I wanted," he says, as if that explanation makes perfect sense. "I'll be honest though, I was prepared to get down on my knees to convince you, but this works, too."

I arch an eyebrow, ignoring how my heart is beating like a drum. "Is there a reason why you're ambusing me in the middle of a parking lot?"

"Other than the fact that you're almost impossible to get hold of? Nope, no reason."

So I wasn't being presumptuous after all.

"Then maybe you should take a hint and stay away."

"Have been doing that for so many years. It's becoming more and more difficult lately."

I recoil back in surprise. What's with him and being so transparent? As much as I want to say that doesn't make me feel all kinds of weird, I can't. Lying to myself is something I never do and I sure as hell won't start now.

Zen Antonov is bad news. For my heart, at least. Always have been. Which is why I've kept my distance from the very beginning. Now him having a sudden epiphany and wanting to be around me? I won't have it. I can't.

"That's not my problem." I turn my back to him to enter my car but stop short when I spot a flat tire.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I groan.

"What's the matter?"

I make a face. "Why are you still here?"

He ignores my jab and comes closer to study the problem. His lips twist downward, a frown marring his forehead. "Please tell me you haven't been driving around with a flat."

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