chapter 7 - you, if i get my cards right

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"Have they said anything?" I ask, marching through the front gate of my warehouse first thing in the morning

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"Have they said anything?" I ask, marching through the front gate of my warehouse first thing in the morning. As much as I wanted to deal with it last night itself, I wanted to end the day on a lighter note. Which involved pretending that dinner with Zen was the last thing I did before heading home and surrendering myself to my nightmares.

Unluckily for the two dickheads, I'm out for blood today.

"Not a word," Alexia says, joining me. "Adam's in the meeting room. Where are you heading?"

"To see the two of them, why?"

"They're not here."

I come to a halt. "Why not?"

"The one who sent them could be tracking them. They're in a storage container near the docks. Once they're cleared of any bugs, I'll bring them here."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I demand, rubbing my temples with my index finger and following her to the meeting room. My hands itch to hit something–preferably someone but I'm not being picky right now. Anything will do.

She gives me a smile that's far from innocent. "I would've if you just answered your phone."

I scowl. "You could have texted."

"And let you keep what happened last night a secret? As if." She's having way too much with this. After I knocked those two idiots out and had my men take them away before anyone could notice, I called for a cab and turned my phone off to avoid Alexia altogether.

Two confrontations in one day with people who probably love to get a rise out of me? No, thank you.

"You're doing the grunt work for the rest of the week."

"Hey!" she yells, shoving me lightly. "That's power abuse."

"Yeah? Bite me."

She groans from behind me, which I promptly ignore. I push open the glass doors and see the table already set up with Adam standing in a corner, fiddling with the projector. He reports to me directly, both as Brianna and Phoenix. He's around my age, having an inch or two on me. He's what you'd call the boy next door. How he ended up working for Eternos is beyond me.

He doesn't look like he belongs here, not from the outside anyway.

His naturally blonde hair is a different colour every week. The last time I saw him, it was striking neon green. Now it's the lightest shade of purple possible. His clear blue eyes snap towards me when I enter the room, his cheeks colouring when he sees Alexia behind me.

Did I mention he has the biggest crush on Alexia?

"Nice hair, Adam." She winks at him, chuckling when he gets even more flustered. She never misses a chance to tease him and the poor guy always falls for it.

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