Chapter 35: The End

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I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

Writers whose works are and aren't included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, -Viperr-, UzukiB, AltairMorpheus, Sandersen37, and 2020517s. Enjoy.

On Earth(Prime Remnant)*

The Year Is 2248*

2 Months After The End Of Chapter 34*

Ember Fall's POV*

I was adrift in space.

I looked down at my busted helmet. 

I reached forward to turn on the helmet's recording system. 

I said, "Hey, Miss Remington... Beth. If you find this recording, don't post it. It's gonna be a real tear-jerker. I don't know if you're ever going to see these. I don't even know if you're... if you're still... Oh god, I hope so. Today is day 58, uh 59. You know, if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into the void of space, I'd say I'm feeling better today. Some fuel cells were cracked during the battle, but I figured out a way to reverse the ion charge to buy myself 72 hours of time. But it's now dead in the water. We're 1000 light-years from the nearest gas station. Oxygen will run out two days from now. And that'll be it. And Beth, I was really hoping to pull off one last surprise. But it looks like... well you know what it looks like. Don't feel bad about this. I mean, if you grovel for a couple of weeks, and then move on with enormous guilt, that'll be fine. I should probably lie down. Please know that when I drift off, I will think about you and no one but you Beth. Because it's always you.".

I turned the helmet off. 

I rubbed my thumb over the left eye, and then I leaned down, to what would be my last sleep. 

There was a light in my eyes, which grew brighter and brighter until I was forced to see Themis show up.

I gave her a thumbs up and we began moving.

A Few Hours Later*

We landed outside of The Sentinels HQ.

The hangar bay door opened and Harold came in and helped me up and supported me as we walked out of the ship.

I said, "I couldn't stop her.".

Harold said, "Neither could I.".

I asked, "Is, uh...?". 

Beth ran over saying, "Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" and we shared an embrace.

I said, "It's okay.".

The Next Day*

Me and the others were sitting in a living room area. 

I was sitting at a table, getting a blood transfusion for healing. 

A holographic casualty report lists the names and faces of those lost to the event.

Amelia said, "It's been 2 months since Salem came to Earth.".

Josie said, "The governments of the world are in shambles. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. Salem wiped out fifty percent, of all living creatures.".

I asked, "Where is she now?".

Harold said, "We don't know. She just opened a portal and escaped through.".

I looked over at Ein who was sitting on a bench looking hopeless.

I asked, "What's wrong with her?".

The RWBYverse Event 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz