(25) 22 years later (The end)

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Author's Note: 

1) I want to thank everyone who was with me in this amazing journey! I love you all! 😘

2) Thank you all for liking my little story about the monkeys and the banana🤣😊😘

3) I'm so exited for Can's new show Bay Yanlış!! I'm jumping on one foot. 5 more days!!! YAYYYY!!

4) I will keep writing about Can and Sanem/ Demet and it's not because I can't let go of them. Actually it's the opposite, I'm VERY, VERY happy they finished the EK, and they are moving on to work with others. They both diserves that!! So I am very happy they are both moving on in their careers. 

But the main reason to why I keep and will still be writing about them is because I feel EK could have been different, and thanks to that feeling is why I have been able to come up with so many stories of them two. In which I promise we will get to all of them! From now on I'm only going to focus only on one story at a time, and that will help me finish the story faster. 😊




(Back to the hospital scene) 

"Do you really think I would ever hurt you, because of you do. Then it means you don't really know me." He asked her, but she didn't respond.  

"Ok, I'll leave." He told her, seeing the answer in her eyes. And he walked away from her, both destroyed and in disbelief with what just happened. Then all of a sudden he abruptly stopped, what was that? They both thought at the same time. He turned around and saw a shocking, and surprised Sanem with unstoppable tears rolling her cheeks. 

"I'm sorry!" They both said at the same time, and ran to each other's arms crashing their bodies and kissed, "I love you!" They told each other in between kisses. Then he separated the kiss and cupped her face. "Sanem, what was that?" he whispered.

"I don't know, but I didn't like it." 

"Me neither!" and hugged her, " I don't know what it was, but I didn't like it one bit." He separated the hug and looked at her. "We need to talk about what we saw." she nodded. "But later, right now I want to see if what I saw is true." He told her, "Me too." she confidently responded. 

He grabbed her hand and they both walked up to the nurse's station. "Hi, can I help you?" A nurse asked. 

"I need a paper clip, can I borrow one?"

"Sure," She grabbed one from her desk, and handed it to Can. "Here you go."  

"Thank you," and she nodded. 

"You ready?" He asked her, still holding her hand. 

"Alway." She said looking at him straight in his eyes, and gave him a confident smile. He smiled at her, kissed her forehead and her hand, and they both walked in yigit's hospital room. 


"What are you doing here!" Yigit asked surprised seeing Can and Sanem holding hands. 

Gone (✅#8) (09/23/19 - 6/21/20)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα