(chap. 13) The plan

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That's night, Sanem was at the pier looking out to the sea when Can came and sat next to her,

"Thank you!" She softly said.

"For what?"

"For helping me today, for helping me make my dream come true, for helping me in general."

Can softly smiled and said, "I will always be here if you need me." Sanem stood up, and Can stood up too.

"I know, but I don't need you anymore." She said looking at him straight in the eyes.

"I already got what I wanted from you, which was the promotion of my book, and that is more than enough for me. Thank you. I hope you have an amazing life." Those words hit Can like if he had just been stab with a knife, straight through the heart.

Sanem wiped her tears and walked away.


It has been a week and Deniz left the hospital, Sanem piced her up and took her to her house. "Allah! Allah! Sanem All of that happened?"

"Yeah." She said breaking down.

"Ohhh, my Sanem. I'm so sorry I wasn't here to help you, to support you. I'm so sorry." She said hugging her friend.

"Don't be sorry, your here with me no and that's all that matters." She wiped her tears.

"Have you heard anything from him.?"

"No, but I know his ok, or else I would've known by now." Deniz smirked to one side of her cheeks and Sanem to the other one and hugged again. That night Deniz stayed with Sanem and comfort her, helped breath and relax until she finally fell asleep.

It has been a week and Can asked Mihriban if he can park his yacht at the dock with the excuse that he wanted it to be near his baba, so whenever Aziz wanted to go out sailing the yacht was right there, and Mihriban accept. Even though her and Aziz knew why he was doing it, and they were willing to help him. Can would go out sailing with his baba and brother or alone, but his satisfaction was seeing her every night at the dock. Since he knew she would go every night to look and smell the sea, to think, to talk to it, and to take her medication. He would hide in his yatch and just look at her from afar, that was the best part of his day. Sanem on the other hand wished he was their, but never said it nor accepted it.

The following day, Yiğıt went to visit Sanem, They talked about all her conference at different libraries and Cafes', and she agree to all. She made the decision of no more hiding, of no more staying in the shadow, but she also told Yigit a reporter better not ask her anything about her personal life or else she will bring hell on him, and yigit agreed. A few hours later Yiğıt was leaving Sanem's house when Can arrived to see his baba, even though Sanem didn't wanted to know anything about him, Can still wanted to proof to Sanem he was innocent. Yigit was getting to the cars when Can got out of his truck, took his phone out, leaned against the drive's door pretending he didn't noticed Yigit was close to him and said, "Hi yeah, my name is Can Divit and I need a few tapes."

"Tapes?" Yigit asked himself and came to a stop before reaching his car.

"Yes, I have a hut, and I use to have a security system with your company, and so I am asking if I can have some recordings." Can stayed quiet and started to walk towards his baba's house.

"What?! He had cameras at the hut?" He asked himself walking carefully after Can.

"This asshole must think I'm stupid." He laughed inside as he pretended to be listening the person on the other line, and re directed himself to go towards the pool. Then he said, "Yeah of course the tapes that I need are from the last week of April, 2019." Can was silent again, "Two to three months? Why so long?." He stayed quiet again "Well, there's nothing I can do, I guess I'll just wait. Ok what do I need to do?" He stayed quiet again. "Sure no problem, and Can said his number, and his email, and he also said his brother's number and email information." He stayed quiet again, "Perfect! I'll be waiting, thank you for all your help." And he pretended that he hung up.

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