Small sneak peek for Chap. 16

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Sanem walked in Leila's office, shut the door, turn around and looked at Leila as she was trying to make sence from everything she was thinking. "I can see your mad." She said still sitting on her chair, "Take a deep breath and tell me what's going on."

Sanem took a deep breath, let it out slowly and said higher then a whisper "That son of a bitch!"

"Ok? Who's the son of bitch?" Sanem looked at her in disbelief. "Don't look at me like that, there's a lot of people out there and I don't read minds. So who are you talking about?" She asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Can! Who else?"

"Ohhh, ok. Why is he a son of a bitch?"

"Because he's going to meet up with Ceyda!"
She turn to look at the glass and in that moment Can was walking towards his office.

"She's so beautiful." He said to himself, but he saw Sanem was just looking at him with even more hate. "I know I lost you, and don't worry I won't beg, I can't beg I don't even have that authority." He thought as he was walking in his office.

Sanem turned back around, "And now he looks at me with love? I don't understand this man!" She was so mad she couldn't control her tears. 

Leila stood up, and walked up to her sister, cupping her face she said, "Sanem, go after him and see it for yourself, see if he is really going to meet up with her for the reason your thinking."

"I'm not thinking anything!" She barked lower then a whisper, and grabbed Leila's hands from her face and brought them down.

In that moment Leila saw Can walked out of his office. "Sanem," Leila grabbed her by her wrists. "I understand you, but you need go after him, and see for your self." Sanem just looked at her, "Go, now! He just walked out, trust me on this. Go, Sanem go. Hurry, before you loose his tracks and you won't get to see anything. Go!"

"Fine!" She said trying to stay angry.

Leila smiled knowing her sister and said, "Just make sure he doesn't see you, ok. Or else it won't have the same meaning. Go now!"

"Fine." Sanem walked out of the office and saw Can was at the light, she quickly got in a taxi and carefully followed him. Can arrived at the Yıldız Park in istanbul, parked his car and walked up to where he was meeting up with Ceyda.

😊So, there you have it! 😊

Author's note-

I will be posting chapter 16 tomorrow, I just wanted to give you guys a small heads up of what's coming up.😬🤔😊

What's going to happen? Who knows🤔🤔 not me! 🤣🤦😂🤷

Why don't you guys tell me, what you all think is going to happen? 😁🤔
So there you have it. 😊I hope you all like it! 🥰Thank you for reading, see you all tomorrow.😊😘😊
🥰Don't forget to let me know what you guys think about the sneak peek, 😊 and give me a start! ⭐ 🥰

🥰😊Have a wonderful day 🌄 or night 🌃 Everyone 😊🥰

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