(Chap. 14) The plan is working

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"Well, he just arrive." Sanem turned around to look at Can walk in the farm's property, "Look how he is looking at my car, he is upset because I am still here."

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, this is good for our plan. Come on!" He said grabbing Sanem's hand and dragging her to run after Can and they both stopped at the wall to listen to Can and Aziz conversation. Then he took her back to her house and said, "See, I told you. That man loves you and hates himself at the same time. So, do you want to teach him a lesson?"

"Yeah, lets do this." she said determine.

"Ok." Ferit said, he called his girlfriend and she understood the situation and she was all in. They all even came up with a plan for her to be hurt when Sanem and ferit would come out of hiding. They plan ever detail, every step, absolutely everything, all they had to do was to let everyone know, and that going to happen soon.


After a few minutes Can left, and again he stared at Ferit's car not wanted to look towards the house. 

A few minutes later Ferit was walking in his car and Aziz was walking towards the pier when Ferit saw him. "Sir can I talk to you?" 

"Yes of course." 

"Sir not here, I don't want anyone to hear nor see us." 

"Ok." He said and got in the car and Ferit and him drive away, and walked in, in a cafe by the city's entery. They sat down and order two çays. "Sir, I love Sanem as a sister, and when I saw how Can looked at her and how she looked at him. It was obvious they are both hurt and they both love each other." 

"That is correct, but they are both very stubborn, but Sanem is being beyond stubbornness. I'm not sure, but that is what it seems, I understand she is hurt, but in a way she looks for Can. Can comes to visit me an I see her hiding behind bushes, the house, behind whatever she is able to and see Can. She doesn't want to give in, but she also doesn't want to at least forgive. They don't have to be together again, but at least forgiveness will help her.

"Sir, I agree with you; she is so hurt that she accepted my proppsition of being her pretend boyfriend."


"Yeah, well at first she was a little hesitant.
But then I was able to convince her, once we followed Can and heard you guys conversation. After that she imidiately said yes."

"Wow! I would've never expected that from her." 

"Yeah, I was shock too. But she is hurt and from the conversation I was able to hear something happen with a woman called Ceyda."

"Yeah that is correct. Can and her..."

"Sir I don't need the details, nor I want them. All I want is to help Sanem, and Can come together."

"By being her fake boyfriend?" He wondered and Ferit noded, "And what do we gain by this?" 

"For Sanem realize she was wrong." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Aziz Bey, I am a man. I know how us men function, and we tend to do stupid shit." Aziz nodded off with a smirked. "Exactly,
specially when it comes to women and love. I was able to see Can loves Sanem more then his own life, and whatever happend between them made him make horrible decisions." 

"That is correct. They both had fault in this matter." 

"Exactly. Like how it is also correct that a relationship is over because of many reasons, but most of the time is because they don't understand each other, they don't talk to each other, they can't communicate; and so the slightest thing destroys it."

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