He Failed. What A Shock

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"General Zhao is a peice of shit and I hope he drowns at sea."

I turn to look at my husband, confused, "What do you have against the poor bastard? He's done nothing-"

"He tried to flirt with you!," Azien sneered. I don't mean to be rude but I had to laugh. "This is not funny! He's a bastard who has no respect for the royal family. He needs to be reminded of his place!" He hissed.

I rolled my eyes, "He'll be dead soon so theres nothing to worry about," I say nonchalant as ever. I don't hate Zhao but it was a fact that he was to dangerous to keep around for too long. Uncle knows that so theres no doubt he'll be gone one way or another. I smile at my husband, "All you need to worry about is me and our boy."


Sun-Hee sat on her knees at a table on the floor with her cousin and Uncle. The table they were seated at was a map of the World. They were focused on the Northern Water Tribe.

"So Zhao thinks he can take over the North Pole and block out the moon," It was a statement not a question but it was the tone that caught Ozai's attention.

"Do you doubt the general?" He asked. Sun-hee raised an eyebrow, "honestly how could I not? The man sounds delusional and as if he were of higher station than a general. He's power hungry and a bafoon who is reaching for the stars, he will die knowing he had barely grasped dust in the air. He's reckless and refuses to listen to reason," she said. Azula scoffed at that but Ozai looked in thought. "So you believe sending him to the Water Tribe was a mistake then?"

Sun-hee shook her head, "Not really, he will be sending a message of the lengths we will go. Show off how much stronger we have become but still, I think he will fail. " Azula huffed at that, "Do you have something to add cousin?" Sun-hee asks. "As a matter of fact, I do. Zhao will not fail with the elite ships we have given him. That is why they are elite, Xaio." Sun-hee rolls her eyes, "I'd hardly call them elite going head to head with the Avatar and waterbenders in the water. And even if Zhao found a way to kill a spirit, which is highly unlikely, he would have to do it discreetly so no one can stop him or revive it."

With that the little lunch in/ meeting was over and Sun-hee left to go the library, she had some brushing up to do. 


Word of Zhao's death would not reach the royal place until almost two weeks after it happened. But Sun-hee was not surprised.

(A/n: My updates are slow, and will probably remain that way for a while. Thank you for your patience)

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