No More Tears

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First it was Zhū, her mother. The only mother that would ever be her own. The only person who loved her and Lu Ten unconditionally. The only parent of her's that  cared if she lived or died the next morning.

Sun-hee never thought much of what she would do when Iroh died but she could imagine. Mabey Lu Ten would have had heirs of his own by then. Mabey she'd be married to an aristocrat of her choice.

But Sun-hee would never be able to live out her dream because of one cut string. One little soul lost.

Lu Ten died at the walls of Ba Sing Sa, and Iroh came back too late. Instead of continuing the battle he fleas and his under the rose for months. No one had heard from him, especially not Sun-hee. Why would he want to write to her anyway?

She was just his only surviving heir . Sun-hee couldn't help but think he was selfish .

Leaving a battle and the throne to her horrid Uncle Ozai and Ursa to vanish. When he arrived he had no throne to sit on but Sun-hee still had a better claim then Ozai's branch of the family tree. She was the daughter of the first born son of Azulon, a prodigy with a bright flame that could be purple at will.

She really could claim the throne after Ozai's death. Her story was a popular one and as such she has gained favor.

Ozai ,despite popular belief, loved his niece like a daughter, he happily made her an heir before Azula.

This whole ordeal confused Iroh. But he let it be for now.

After all, he was still trying to change for the better of the world. So he focused on other things and let his daughter grieve.

It was the least he could do after all.

Sun-hee POV:

Uncle has been very kind to me as of late. He has upped up my training and I am no longer required to go to school. Instead I have tutors who teach me what I want to learn.

Its quite nice actually.

Zuko is very salty on the matter of how I am treated better than him. Not like Ozai or Azula cared, but in a way I did. I knew what he was going through but something is telling me to let it be. That this was how Zuko needs to grow up.

Without a loving father, in order to be true to himself.

Maybe it was the guilt that made me push him away after a while but I'd never know.

Father has began to see Zuko as more of a son now so he'll be fine, right? Father wouldn't dare get my cousin killed like he did Lu Ten, right?

Two failures were more than enough in my opinion and I hope history doesn't repeat itself.

Lu Ten's death wasn't very gruesome from the letter we revived but....he was still gone. And he was never coming back.

As soon as the news reached my ears I remember so vividly of my reaction.

Wailing at the top of my lungs in agony, searing black flames licking at the messenger who sobbed out "Please don't kill me!!, I have a fiancée and a son!!!" I remember them pleading for their lives.

I groan at the memory.

No more soft smiles in the morning, no more far fetch tails of battle, no more late night spars when I just can't sleep. No more....Lu Ten.

Tears come to my eyes at the mere thought of it. But it was reality, and I couldn't pretend it didn't hurt, can't lie and say I don't care. Because I do. I care to much.  And I hate it.

I feel so drained and weak. I hate that feeling!! I'm a princess! I should make others feel this way! Not the other way around.

I look out the window in half hopes to drown out my sorrows in nature. But it got worse.

Little, grimy voices come and haunt me with notions of my inhumanity. 'Your so vial' one stated like a common fact, 'Your brother and father deserved better' another accused. I scowl as a my eyes began to burn and steam rose from my eyes.

I was angy! I was not sad, a Princess of the Fire Nation has nothing to be sad about! I am Agni damn royalty!! I should be glad that another heir is out of my way to the throne! I'm a step closer to being Fire Lord. I need to act like it.

The reality is Lu Ten is not coming back and Uncle is Fire Lord, I need to act like a perfect heiress to gain favor. That is my one job now. Be a perfect heir and then....well I'll figure the rest out as I go.

I try not to focus on the voices and more outside.

I remember when I was younger my Mom would take me out to the bay window at Ember Island and ask me about the things I saw. She would ask me to do this in detail.

"What you see my love is mother nature at peace. You don't see a lot of that when your older" she'd say right before a hacking fit.

Let's see....

I see a swan.


The swan is so white it reminds me of pearls,


She looks very graceful

Like a dancer in the play love amongst the dragons.

The voices stop after a while of this and leave me to wilt in my own disparity

Until a rebel tear hit my cheek and evaporated I didn't even realize I was crying.

Vigorously I wipe it away and huff.

Pathetic is the only word that comes to mind when I look at my reflection.
No more tears, Sun-hee Xiao, no more tears.

A princess dose not cry. She holds strong.

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