Fathers are overrated anyway.

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The frown on Iroh's face is mimicked by his daughter as they eat dinner. Ozai was not there, as always, so it was just the two princess and two princes.

"Uncle, can you pass the fire powder?" Zuko asks polity. The boy was always well behaved for his Uncle. He respected and loved him like a father. Sun-hee stuck her nose up and ignored everyone at the table in a strange grace.

Just eat and leave, she tells herself, it will be over soon and you can retire to bed.

Iroh didn't say a word to her, just watched his only daughter walk away from him. She wasn't even tired to be honest. She just wanted, no, needed to get the hell out of there before she went crazy.

So she went to the library. The one place Iroh never went. Where she could fucking breathe. Life had become so stale. So pointless tot the point she subconsciously had problems remembering she needed oxygen.

Ever since her broth- Prince Lu Ten passed school was out and people have taken to mourn the prince. Ozai is giving everyone not in the military a month and two weeks before they are forced to get out of their homes and work once more.

As was tradition.

Sun-hee couldn't care less.

The library was her sanctuary now. The only place no one dared to approach the princess.

It was a grand place to be actually. All the walls where covered from floor to the ceiling with books. All four walls and countless cases made the library a maze of knowledge. It was nice.

The chairs had velvet seat covers, the bodies where made from a steady wood that looked like honey. It was a comfort few could afford which was one pride of the royal life.

Sun-hee finds herself sitting in her favorite seat, again, today. A bigger chair, by the only window inside the library. No one was here right now and the lights were very low. The real light came from the window and boy did it do wonders for Sun-hee.

Over the past few months she has grown taller, her waist is smaller, hair is longer and thicker, her skin was pale. She looked like a doll.  Her eyes were what topped it all off. They were a bright shade of golden honey hazel, with a warm summer glow to them. Her breast have grown too.

Her cousin Azula has started to joke about little things like this. That is of course until they get to the topic of fathers again some how and one of them burns the other.

Sun-hee sighs and gets up to actually go to bed.

She mumbled to herself
on the way out "Fathers are overrated" and left.

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