Your A Joke

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She never really liked Zuko. He was always pitying himself for his faults, always seemed like he felt obligation to please everyone around while knowing that will never happen. Because he was Zuko, the idiot who sought comfort from his uncle, who couldn't fight his little sister and baby cousin without help.

Who was to pathetic to emit that he doesn't want the throne. He infuriated her. Every bone in her body was arching to murder him in his sleep. But that was nothing but anger. And anger can be stored and used for later. Right now she had to stay calm, calm and collected.

A fake look of indifference masks her anxiety as she sits across the table from her soon to be husband. His name was Azien, his parents were high noblemen who Ozai wanted an alliance with. He was handsome, Sun-hee will admit that much. A talented prodigy with nine siblings in the military. He was the youngest at 17 compared to Sun-hee's 15. A two year age difference, not that bad.  Ozai tried to be fair, she'll give him that. A looker, and an asset.

He was the same age as Zuko, and yet he was so advanced in his bending. Sun-hee approved of that. If the brunette was going to be forced to have children, she wanted them strong. Strong heirs strengthened her claims to the nations throne and that was an amazing thing to have. That and allies. A butt load of allies.

"It is an honor to even be in your presence, Princess Xiao." He sounded sincere in a way. His smile never faltered, he seemed very well bred. She'll play along. If only to humor him.

Sun-hee gave a nod, a subtle twitch of her lip that was perfectly staged fake amusement and satisfaction. True emotions, just being used for a different purpose. Sun-hee had no ticks.

"You don't need to call me Xiao in private, Azien. We are to be wed tomorrow after all. I will just be your wife, Sun-hee," She said with forged compassion and care. Really, she only saw Azien as an ally, a friend at best. Really, she didn't think he was charming, because he was all too plain. He was smart but all too genuine for her taste. But, maybe that's a good thing?

Azien didn't know how he got so lucky as to land a marriage with Princess Xa-, Sun-hee . She was so nice and not to mention independent. Easy on the eyes too, very much so. He knew that she most likely thought little of him. That he was just some boy trying to get a piece of the sweet life. But he hoped that she would learn to, if not love him, see him as real. He'd heard rumors of how fake the court life was from his sister-in-laws.

What both of them needed was just a little push. Too bad they'd never get it. At least not in time that is.

Behind The Royal Lies: The Chronicles of Sun Hee XiaoWhere stories live. Discover now