Benevolent Man

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(A/n: I don't feel like writing about her pregnancy so I'm going to skip to when her baby is like one or two so we can move onto the plot)

Zuko was gone, as I had predicted. And Azula has taken it upon herself to rise to the challenge and honor of crown heir.

Only, I am in the way.

Ever since my son was born I have been a more likely candidate to become heir. Not only do I have a better and stronger claim, I also already have an heir of my own and there really was no reason for me not to create another.

While Azula doesn't even have a betrothed yet.

Ah, thank Agni for Azula's social awkwardness and abrasive behavior. My position is both secure and a threat to the imperial family now. I may be a direct relative to Ozai but I was only Azula's cousin. If Ozai should dissapear or be put out of commission for whatever reason, the council will choose a regant. But that won't be happening anytime soon. Everyone is still in shock of Zuko's banishment.

I know I said he was gone, but Zuko was still technically on palace grounds. But only so that he heal from the sick reminder that he was below standard. The poor moron. I don't feel bad for him though, he has Iroh at his bedside like a worried mother. I swear, my "father" has been gushing over Zuko more than his grandson.

Speaking of the little devil desized as an angle, my son is Azien and I's pride and joy. The little boy is currently in the process of screeching like the heathen he was.

"I swear this boy better be a fire bender or else those lungs are both annoying and useless-" Azein cuts me off with a smile. 

"Don't talk about the baby like that," he picks up the little banshee from the floor where I set him," he's just hungry." He levels our son's face to my breast and snickers like a imp. The devil child has the audacity to make grabby hands at me. "See, Rin just wants titty milk."

I can feel the tick mark on my head.

I hit Azein over his fatass head. "I told you over and over again not to call my breast milk that you no good son of a-" the moron I have the pleasure of calling husband is saved from my wrath by the door opening to reveal none other than Iroh. 

Melodramatic sigh.

We sit down for tea and Rin decided to calm down. The brat loves watching the tea pot and the extravagant way Iroh likes to pour his tea. I like the table in our family room. It was to the floor and made of hard fireproof wood. I used it a lot with my tiny family. I love the llittle dragons Azein carved in it too, made it all that more special to me because I know that no one else has this table.

Iroh doesn't say much. Which makes Azien kind of uncomfortable, my father always made him feel on the edge of his seat. I completely understand.This man could have been our Fire Lord. And he was his father-in-law and all father-in-laws put husbands on edge. But I don't think Iroh seemed to notice.  Or really care.  He was just sipping his tea and I could feel the akward air slowly try to sufficate me into saying the first words. But Rin beats me to it.


We all turn to him, Iroh in surprise, Azien in shock at how loud he was, and me in question of what in Agni does he want. Rin ignores us and points to the tea cup in my hands. "Tea! Tea!"

I nod, "Yeah, its Jasmine tea."

"Ma no like tea!"

I snort and set the cup down, "Mama normally doesn't drink tea, but she likes her Jasmine Tea. Want some?" I hold the cup to him. He takes a  sniff and pushes it away. 

"Rin no like tea! Smell! Wanna sneeze!"

I roll my eyes and set the tea down away from the toddler so that if he does have to sneeze it won't be in my tea. I had it just how I liked it right now. 

Iroh raises an eyebrow at us, I can tell that he wants to smile but he knows that his amusment just might make me reconsider being as civil as I have been ever since Rin was born. "So the little Prince speaks now?"

I nod. "He screams to, we can place him on the floor to show you," Azein says quietly. We hear him though. Iroh holds his hands up and shakes his head. 

"I'll just have to take your word for it. But his development seems to be right on track. When is he getting a little brother or sister?"

It was a running joke between me and Iroh for a while. I don't remember how it started but he'll always ask good naturally when he'll be meeting a new grandchild. It'll get old soon but I don't want to say anything to ruin the peace we've built. I know it won't last.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask.

Iroh looks down at his  tea, then to Rin. "Can't a  grandfather visit his grandson, his lovely daughter," he looks at Azein with a tiny glare without the heat behind it, "and her questionable excuse for a husband." 

I snort as Azein scratched the back of his neck. I pull a cool face and stare my father down until he cracks and looks me in the eyes. "Your leaving with Zuko. And I'm perfectly fine with that, so long as your old self remebers to write me. Okay?"

Iroh sighs and smiles sadly at me. I roll my eyes at him and look at Rin. "You understand I can't let him go on his own right? He needs someone with im. You understand I don't want to-"

" I don't care what you meant by doing this. I know where I stand with Zuko. I know you have faith in him. And as much as I think its the most stupid decision ever," I  turn my eyes up to stare into his eyes once again, "I trust you to do what you believe is right.  But I need you to understand where I stand." I rise from my eat, Azein following. 

"My  family is in the Fire Nation, this is my home. It and it's people will always come first. That is what I believe in, this nation is what I fight for. What I will always fight for. And you can go off and play the benevolent man you are and be peace maker. I don't care." I start to turn and leave the room,Azein had already left with Rin, but stop at the door. I look back at my father.

This man who has neglected me all my life. I just started to begin to accept him for who he is. But did he really have to do all that he did? Would any of this matter? 

"But let me make this clear. Don't touch my damn throne and you sure as hell better remind Zuko who his compition is. Because I can promise you, anyone who get in my way to the throne," I chuckle and turn,"I'll make what Ozai did to Zuzu look like a love tap!"

And I'm out.

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