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Nature is a petrified magic city.

To romanticize the world is to make us aware of the magic, mystery and wonder of the world; it is to educate the senses to see the ordinary as extraordinary, the familiar as strange, the mundane as sacred, the finite as infinite.

A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer.

We are close to waking when we dream that we are dreaming.

Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.

Philosophy is really nostalgia, the desire to be at home.

To become properly acquainted with a truth, we must first have disbelieved it, and disputed against it.

Our life is no dream, but it should and will perhaps become one.

I often feel, and ever more deeply I realize, that fate and character are the same conception.

Life must not be a novel that is given to us, but one that is made by us.

Every individual is the center of a system of emanation.

And now I awaken, for I am both yours and mine.

In a work of art, chaos must shimmer through the veil of order.

But even more heavenly than the flashing
stars are those infinite eyes which the night opens within us, and which see further even than the palest of those innumerable hosts.

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