In the Darkness

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I felt lost, it was like I had lost a part of me I was trying to pull myself together but I was weak, something inside me wasn't responding. I didn't know where I was or how did I reach her.I somehow gather myself and opened my eyes to be welcome by darkness. I took a bit of time to adjust to my surroundings to look around to find Stella beside me and then there was one more lady sitting on the other side tied in a similar manner.

A stench surrounded the room and hit my head bad, I tried to look around to see my legs tied with a rope with some plant on it.

I tried to remember where I had seen the plant and the smelled the stench earlier, it was similar but forgotten, my memories were hazy. After a lot of struggle I remember it was a plant my mother used to give me to control my powers, I didn't exactly remember its name since I was never liberal with herbs, I was thrown out before I could be taught but I knew this one.

When I was small I didn't know how to control my powers, they were too much for me and that's when my mother introduced to me this herb but how did these people know that I was a witch.

"Stel, Stel wake up", I tried calling out to her

"She will take time. A lot of wolfsbane has been put into her veins, she will be out for a few hours more", said the girl beside me.

"Rosa?", I recognised my sister's voice even after four years, I still remember how she would keep reciting her daily adventures when we were young.

"How do you know my name?"

I realised it was difficult for her to remember my name as she was way young when I was banished.

"That's not important, what are you doing here?"

"I don't know, I don't even know how long I have been here, every time I wake up they inject me enough wolfsbane to keep me out for a day. When they feel they throw water on my face and a stale piece of bread", she said with her voice cracking

"Hey hey don't cry we will be out of here soon but tell me one thing how have the people not come yet even when you and I are awake?"

"Well I don't know how you are awake but as I said she will be out for a few more hours and that's when they will come, and as for me I have started to pretend to be out for longer durations, I can't take wolfsbane any longer"

"But how did you get here?"

"I don't remember clearly, I remember my father asking me to join for a run, though in normal circumstances I would have said a no but then he was sick and I knew he couldn't approach anyone else so I thought a run in the territory wouldn't be harmful and I agreed. Then as we were nearing the territory I felt a dart on my neck and that's it, next time I woke up here.""Do you think your father could have done it?", I wasn't ready to mention who I was yet.

"Maybe I don't know but you can't trust a person who banished his own daughter but you see I was a fool but how are you here and who are you?"

"Umm well I arrived at the airport today or probably yesterday and you see my friend came to receive me and then a truck hit our car, and then", I tried remembering but I couldn't.

"Don't stress your head, I don't know who or what you are but I can surely say that whatever they have injected you with does the same thing wolfsbane does to you", she said referring to Stella.

"Ya", I said being at a loss of words.

"Hey hey, try contacting Zach. They haven't injected you with wolfsbane, your witchy part is weak but mate link is still there", said a voice in my head.


"Mind link Zach stupid"

"Oh yes," and I shut her up as I tried to concentrate on Zach.

"Zach Zach"



"But how?"

"Stop asking questions and listen, first how am I contacting you? Well, whosoever kidnapped us knows I was a witch but doesn't know I am a wolf so though they weaken my witch powers they weren't able to do the same to Riley and thereby the mind link. I don't know where I am or why I am here, and Rosa, the sister of the white wolf pack's alpha is here as well and Stella is still out and Rosa thinks the earlier alpha of her pack has something to do with the kidnapping"

"Amber don't you think you are hiding some very important information"

"Zach it's not the time to joke", I said trying to sound serious on a mind link

"I get Andrea Isa Williams, you are the one who needs to realise it's not the time to joke. If you feel I can help you only by knowing half-truth the let me tell you it isn't possible, normally I would have given you time to explain but right now listen to me. I know Thomas is your father and Mark is sitting in front of me, for now, do one thing for me don't let anyone know you are a werewolf and trying figuring out where you are, and please don't do anything stupid. Get it", he practically shouted at me

"Yes", I whimpered

"Hey stay safe and I love you. No one will harm you or Stella or your sister and I am sorry I am just tensed, please be strong I will find you soon. Ok?", he said calmly, trying to console me

"Ok, now someone's coming. Bye"

"Take care Am"

And the mind link closed.


A/N: I am sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

The next chapter is coming up soon...

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