Sudden Plans

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"She trusts the most", Stella finished

I was disappointed by the fact that it wasn't me yet the one Amber trusted the most but I couldn't ignore the fact was Zander was there for her and always protected her like his own sister. Even during the phase of life, she hides behind her lively beautiful smile.

"Hey I'm sorry", Stel said"Its ok Stel but you mind telling me why all this why do you want me to go to the white moon and why to get the list and not look suspicious and stuff"

Stella was an intelligent woman she deserved to be the beta female. She was not only strong but strategic as well.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Nic's eyes beaming with pride while he was instructing Ashton what to do.

You have to be proud of such a mate.

"So as I said I am not sure of anything but", she opened the file to the page with the details of the white moon pack's alpha family and kept Amber's original ID beside it

"See Rosaline Isa Williams and Andrea Isa Williams somethings match it might be a mere coincidence of same last and first name but you can't ignore it."

"Shit How did I not see this, you're a genius, Stella"

"Don't be happy this fast alpha as I said it might be a mere coincidence", Stella smiled.


"Guys move faster, Mari where are you?"

"Mark would you drink some water and calm your freaking mind. Why are you so all over the place?", said my beautiful mate and the luna of white moon pack

It was always her or my mother the ex-luna taking care of everything whenever there was a visit from any alpha but this time it was no single pack alpha it was Zachery Collins Mathew visiting us. He was the alpha king and it was the first time he was visiting along with his beta female and his pack manager ever since I became the alpha 2 years ago.

Well practically I should have taken up the position at 18 or the latest by 20 but I wasn't just ready so when at 22 I felt it was enough I stepped up.

"Mom, Dad, Rosa, and everyone down now", I command in my alpha voiceBlake, my beta confirmed that they reached and had left the airport.

Except for my mom, everyone here was a werewolf well she on the other hand was the heir to one of the strongest witch families in the world.

Rosa is my younger sister and Blake's mate, I was rather happy when she found out Blake was her mate as that meant she wouldn't have to leave us.

"Why the hell is everything over-decorated"

"Rosa he isn't some normal alpha its the alpha king", I said maintaining my calm

"And why is he coming here"

"Well, I have heard that he hasn't met his mate yet. Like he is 24 maybe that's why. It could be someone from our pack you know, I mean it should be according to the prophecy" said Rhea my gamma female and Rosa's best friend

"Kids no prophecy discussions please, and if it is so I want it to start from the Alpha's side and not ours. Do I make myself clear??", and yes that was my mom

It was her ancestors who told us about the white wolf prophecy but there weren't any white wolves yet so maybe not this generation. I was cut from my thoughts by Mari nudging meAnd there should in front of me Alpha Zach and Stella his beta female. I had heard that she was a rather witty lady and always proved how the moon goddess was rather perfect in her selection and behind them was another young pack Javour their pack manager.

No, not every pack had a manager but in their case alpha was on visits to different packs and at times the beta or gamma was also unavailable therefore they had an extra position.


Stella nudge me to get down the car as soon as Blake announced that we had reached our destination.

"Welcome to the White Moon Pack, Alpha", Mark greeted us

"Nice to meet you, Alpha Mark"

"The pleasure is all mine sir"

"This is Stella, the beta female, and Javour the pack manager"

"Ah! We have heard a lot of both go you, Hi I am Marinela, the luna of the white moon you may call me Mari and this is Rosaline my sister-in-law, that's Thomas the earlier alpha and that's Isabella our old luna and as you may know Isabella is the witch of our pack too and that's Jackson and Rhea the gamma and the gamma female", everyone nodded as the luna introduced them

"Oh enough of the talking I am sure your journey was tiring come on in Rosa guide Stella to her room, Blake Javour to his and Mark please guide alpha to his room and you may call be Isa", she said with a warm smile

 "Dinner is at 6", instructed the old alphaI. I thanked Mark for welcoming us to the pack and for the acceptance and as he left I was going to the washroom when Stella entered the room

"Stel when will you learn to knock? For heaven's sake I am your alpha please treat me as one at least here."

"Hush down alpha and listen", she said in a hushed voice

"The luna told us to call her Isa, Isa is the middle name of Andrea a.k.a Amber, so should I keep connecting the dots", she whispered like a curious 10-year-old

"Yes my queen please continue"

"Did you notice Mark had the same brown eyes of Amber and Rosa had similar facial structure, there was a striking resemblance of the lips and nose between the luna and Amber and the earlier alpha's hair did you see? Did you?", she said in a hushed voice with a pout

"Stel you know the white moon is a rather small pack and being in the north almost all of them have similar features, we can't conclude anything from this but we can look into the matter if you say"

"Well if you disagree I can't help but my gut says there is something they are hiding"

"We will find that out soon now go get ready for dinner and let me pee in peace"

"That's not a very decent language for the Alpha King," she said laughing


A/N: Hope you enjoying reading the chapter. Please vote and comment to let me know.

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