Being Far

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Though I haven't ever dated anyone before but Zach leaving felt like a part of me left with him. I quickly walked back to my cabin and drowned myself in work to try and get over the feeling.By 3 in the afternoon my work for the day was done and I started going through the material provided by the university, though I hardly understood anything and I couldn't make myself go to Javour to ask about them as that room reminded me of Zach.

I now I was acting like a lovesick teenager but something felt off, something wrong.I quickly took out my phone and texted Zach.

Me: Hey! Did you reach?

Zach: Yes. I landed half an hour ago. Is everything ok?

Me: Yup. Take care :)

Zach: You too. I miss you <3

Me: I miss you too

And then there was a knock at the door

"Come in, it's open", I replied putting my phone aside.It was Javour.

"Oh hey"

"hey, Javour. What's up?"

"Umm actually I wasn't involved in the business a lot before so could you help me with a few deals and contracts"

"Sure", I replied signalling him to sit

An hour later we were exhausted discussing the deals in detail, he was the latest better than Nic."I will get us coffee", Javour said getting up from his chair

"Ok", I said fidgeting with my click pen, I realised that he was more of an introvert and didn't indulge in long conversation expect the ones regarding business.

"Can I ask you something?",I asked as soon as he entered

"Yeah sure", he said placing the coffee in front of me.

"You see Zach enrolled me into a Management course at the State University and promised to help but he isn't around so can you just guide me through the course. Like if you are ok with that since you have got a degree in management I assume, if not if ok"

"I will finish off with the leftover work and then we can work on it"

"Ok thanks" and he left with his coffee and I went back to scheduling meetings and other stuff.After the days work Javour came over and explained a few topics. By the time we finished, it was 9 at night and I was sure I was walking home now.

I got out of the office and started walking when a car stopped in front of me, the glass rolled down, it was Javour.

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