
"Sorry, again," Harry mumbles as I bathe his hand in his cramped bathroom, using a wet towel to gently wipe the slight cuts on his knuckles, which are bruised as well. I would've taken him to Bella, but she was dealing with Taylor as Harry had actually broken his nose with the force of his punch. The rings covering his fingers probably only added to the pain for Taylor, which I certainly won't disagree with or object to.

We still don't know why he did it, but Harry discovered that Penny was forced to take, print and distribute them across the camp or Taylor would've broken up with her, and she was clearly desperate because she did exactly that.

"Don't apologise, baby. You didn't do anything wrong," I frown at his unnecessary apology, kissing his hand lightly once the skin is free from blood, a gruesome mixture of his own and Taylor's, and there had been a lot of Taylor's; all over the dining hall floor, Taylor's clothes, Harry's hand, now the wall of his bedroom because he had punched it without warning the moment we arrived back, to which I had told him off for.

"Can't believe he'd to that to us, to me, for literally no reason," he frowns, and I see him getting riled up all over again.

"When he's back from the hospital, we can ask him everything," I assure him, allowing his arms to wrap around me now that his hand was clean and wrapped up.

"What if he presses charges? I mean... I broke his nose."

"He blackmailed a minor into taking pornographic pictures of us and distributing them around a summer camp to other minors... I can't see him mentioning the real cause of the fight or you at all any time soon," I counter, kissing his forehead gently.

"I'm lucky you're so smart, and you're gonna be a nurse, so there's that, just in case I ever have to beat anyone up again," he teases, smiling widely when I giggle softly.

"Got a long way to go until I'm a real nurse, Harry," I shake my head bemusedly, resting my elbows on his shoulders and playing with his ring on my finger behind his back.

"Yeah, but they're crazy if they don't accept you, and you're crazy if you think you're not going to graduate top of your class," he insists, and I bury my face into his chest to hide my embarrassment and flushed cheeks.

"You looked hot when you punched him, not gonna lie, even though I'd rather you not do it ever again," I smile, tilting my head to press my cheek to his bare skin.

"I looked hot?"

"You always look hot, narcissistic ass," I chuckle, gasping when he suddenly grips my ass and lifts me from the counter easily, carrying me towards his bedroom and dropping me on his soft bed, quickly climbing on top of me and allowing my tongue to delve into his mouth and run along his soft bottom lip.

"We've got that stupid party thing tomorrow," he groans as if he just remembered, rolling off of me and laying flat on his back with his hands rubbing his face in exasperation.

I wriggle my shorts down my legs whilst chuckling lightly, hooking my thigh over his and hugging him closer, my chin resting on his shoulder comfortably, one of his arms wrapping around me to pull me closer yet. "Why don't we go to the treehouse, since we didn't the other day?" I whisper, kissing his cheek lightly.

"Yeah, date night," he smiles warmly, sitting up slightly so I would let go of him and wiping the underneath of his nose, unfortunately going covering his tanned chest with a t-shirt, stopping abruptly when I ask. He watches me eagerly as I make my way towards him, my touch starting at the warm skin covered in his butterfly. "What's your favourite?" he asks softly, taking one of my hands and placing it on his heart so I can feel the healthy beat underneath my palm.

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