Four Poster Beds

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Elaine's debate had left a lot on Arthur's mind. She had made it clear to him that he hadn't thought about it as throughly as she had - and as horrible as it seemed Uther had kept her a secret for a reason - Gaius even more so. Elaine in Uther's mind was dead, he had no idea that his child, one of which with rights to the throne and a say in the kingdom was struggling to survive amongst a world who wanted her kind dead. Namely her father for that matter. Arthur sighed and resigned himself to his chair and table by the window. Casually glancing over "kingly" paperwork as Merlin liked to call it - wondering if he should rethink the whole process.

Meanwhile Gwen was showing Elaine to her chambers - which consequently weren't too far away from where Morgana's were situated. Gwen had often wondered why Camelot boasted so many rooms, and Gwen could now fathom that it was because Uther had many secrets. Elaine looked longingly at the sealed door adjacent to her own, knowing that is where Morgana should reside, not some dingy old hovel. Though to be fair, Elaine rather liked it's quirkiness, and the way it seemed to suit them. Especially Morgana in that time of her life - but Elaine knew that she should be in the heart of Camelot. Where they should all have been from the start, and maybe things would have been different.

"You miss her?"
Elaine jumps as the voice catches her off guard. She turns meekly towards Gwen and nods.
"I know it will sound ridiculous but she really isn't all that bad all of the time. For as long as I've known her I've been able to see some good in her heart still. I just hope there's enough left to salvage."
Gwen is now lost for words - surprised that some kindness still lingers in Morgana's frozen heart.

"I hope that's true" she says whilst giving a small smile, "back in the day she was gloriously head strong and stood up for the people, she did her best, put herself on line so I know of the Morgana of which you speak I just struggle to grasp the fact that the kind girl you describe could still survive amongst her hard shell."
Elaine's eyes light up,
"You know of her" she asks quickly disregarding the fact it sounds like a preposterous question - who doesn't know of Morgana.

"I used to be her handmaiden a very long time ago, I know her well"
"Then you miss her too"
Gwen remains silent a little embarrassed to admit it. Elaine watches her closely.
"I know you do - Arthur too. It didn't have to be like this. Yes these words sound stupid coming from a mere "blow-in" but we all miss her, she's just too blind to see."

Gwen nods and as a change of subject pushes open the chamber door, to which Elaine hastily bundles in. Elaine stops in her tracks - in awe of the sheer size of the room.
"What do you think?" Gwen asks.
Elaine turns back to look at the servant, "this can't be for me"
"Why not?"
"Well look at the size of it! It's massive! I've never known anything like it."
"Well you better get used to it you are royalty now!"
Elaine stiffens up at the word royalty - still not used to the fact it is a title that now sits upon her, handed to her on a silver plate from one of the most powerful families in the five kingdoms. Not that there was much left of one.

Elaine eyes the four poster bed and gasps. She runs towards it and bounds on top. Diving underneath it's feather filled covers. Gwen stifles her laughter.
"Gwen?" Elaine calls to her as she cocoons herself amongst the covers.
"Why are you laughing?" Elaine tries to pry the answer from her.
"Well I...I um...I wasn't expecting such a reaction! It's not very ladylike"
"But it's a four poster bed! I've always loved four poster beds - wanted one even and now look! It's all mine!" She beams. "And need I remind you I'm not a lady"
"Well need I remind you it's barely even noon - and as of now you are very much a lady!"
Elaine frowns knowing that her handmaiden did indeed have a point and a good one at that. She lays in the bed pondering over the subject as she watches Gwen busy herself in the room.

"Gwen" Elaine states as her handmaiden moves ever closer. Elaine rolls over to face her - "You look tired"
"I'm fine honestly."
Elaine shakes her head - "I don't mean to assume but if your bed is anything like Merlin's - as thick as two short planks - I'd assume that you are tired."
"I'm well used to it at this stage milady"
A small coy smile begins to appear as the corners of Elaine's mouth begin to curl up. She had a plan.
Elaine runs one hand over the covers, "but Gwen, think of the comfort!"
"I really shouldn't there is plenty of work to be done..."
", who needs it?!"
"I do...this is my job?"
"All work and no rest Gwen how do you cope?" Elaine smiles sliding ever closer as Gwen tries to straighten the crumbled covers. She could tell that she was going to have her work cutout with this one.

Suddenly Gwen is taken by surprise as Elaine's free hand shoots out from under the covers and grabs Gwen's hand. Elaine gives it a sharp pull and rolls out of the way as her handmaiden tumbles onto the bed beside her. Elaine is laughing hysterically as her handmaiden lets out a startled yelp. They both lay in a bit of a heap on the bed.

"Who needs work?" Elaine giggles as she looks over to Gwen who is blinking repeatedly to try and comprehend what happened. Elaine nudges her playfully and she eventually breaks out into a wide grin.
"See it's not all that bad!" Elaine laughs.

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