Oppertunity Knocks

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"A dream?" I ask wondering. A new sense of relief washed over me. One I had never felt before, standing in front of me was a family member. Not a Druid of the order to which I once belonged. A sister. I felt as if I was looking at her with new eyes. I was able to look past her faults and traitorous deeds. I could see the person she used to be, the person she still could be... A person she may never be again of she found out what I'd done.

Her demeanour had changed now. Standing straight, pacing, stiffened. Whatever she was about to say, she took it seriously.
"What I saw Elaine, in the dream" she spun on her heels, staring straight at me, "made me turn around the moment I woke up"
"What was it?" My mind racing with all the possibilities,
"You must tell me honestly Elaine if any of this has come to pass. I might still have a chance to stop it if not. You must tell me" there was a glint in her green eyes that I couldn't quite decipher.
"I will"

She started to pace again running her hand over the end of the bed,
"In the dream I saw Camelot...then Gaius and Arthur" she spat
"What about them?..." I was about to continue, as I began to get out if the bed, but she cut in.
"They were with you!" She nearly shouted
"Me?!" I frowned hoping to hide any flush of colour from the mention if their names.
"I thought they had found you, taken you to Camelot for execution"
"You saw me being executed?!" I shrieked, partly surprising myself, she had told me before how here dreams always came to pass. It seemed as if my fate was sealed.
"No, not in the dream itself, but if I saw them with you it only means one thing! "

I got up, slowly padding over to our "kitchen" to get a glass of water. I felt the blood drain from my face. Gaius seemed trustworthy... But now? I had lead him straight to our hiding place, into our home. I began to question everything. Ever word he said, was Morgana really my sister? She had to be, we held so many similarities... And Arthur being my brother? We always squabbled and messed around like siblings. He was always an older brother figure to me.... But would he remain that way if he knew the truth? Maybe I should join Morgana's mission...? Maybe we should leave... I should leave? What if Camelot's army were marching in us right now?

"Elaine, is there anything you want to tell me?"

I turned around, swallowing hard, in-between minds. Unsure of how she'd take the news, the truth. And then the door opened.

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