The stranger

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Merlin hesitates outside the wooden door. He peers through a crack carefully and can see Gaius looking startled, a figure stands in front of him close to the door.

"Oh my, child what happened?"
"I'm so sorry Gaius I... I had no where else to go!"
Gaius gets up from his table allowing him to be able to see the disheveled stranger more clearly.

"Morgana and I...we... Well" the stranger can't find the words and Merlin watches as Gaius pulls them into an embrace. Eyes widening upon hearing Morgana's name. He is suspicious.
"We had a bit of a falling out" the stranger admits running her hand through her hair revealing a bloodied temple.
"You don't say, look at the state of you! It looks like you've fallen out of a tree!" Gaius shakes his head, surprised to see the injured girl in front of him.
The girl stops and looks up at Gaius,
"No Gaius I've fallen out of a tree before, it looks nothing like this" - Gaius raises an eyebrow and fixes a somewhat fake smile onto his face. It's clear to see she was taking things rather seriously tonight, though it could have been down to the large lump forming on her head.
"Very well dear,my mistake. Come, let me tend to you" he brings the girl down to the bench and fetches a bowl of water.
"You are too kind, Gaius thank you. I'm sorry to surprise you like this - and so late too -"
"Hush child you are here now and that's all that matters - how did you end up in such a state?"
"Well after I left you at the forests edge I went back to the hovel for a lay down only to be woken by Morgana - she came back earlier than planned"
"Any reason for her to return in such haste?"
"She had a dream, she saw us together with Arthur too"
"She knows?"
"No...well yes she does now but at the time she was clueless, believing that the vision would be followed by my execution"
"Well you needn't fear that, no harm shall come to you whilst you are here"

The stranger looks up at Gaius and smiles, it is a warm one but she seems tired, worn down. Merlin contemplates the words, the stranger seemed honest. He bit his lip unsure whether or not to venture inside.
The girl flinches a little at the cold water being applied to her cuts.

"Sorry" Gaius says quietly
"It's fine Gaius, please continue"
"So what happened then?"
"Well she began to question me, making sure that none of it had come to pass - vowing to stop it, and then..." She pauses letting the scenario play over again in her mind.
"Then Arthur walked in"
Merlin steps back from the door, realisation floods his face, like the last piece of the puzzle had slot into place. So that is where Arthur had got to - it still didn't really explain why - but Merlin knew that whatever happened there had impacted heavily on the King's mind.
"And then it all went down hill from there" she signs
"Is that when Morgana attacked you?"
"Not exactly - though she does give as good as she gets - I must admit she did not go completely unscathed"
"So you...?"
"I had too, I didn't want to - Camelot wouldn't have a King of I didn't stop her - lets just say she wasn't so impressed with me when she came around"
Gaius nods piecing it altogether.
The girl gestures to herself, "I guess you can figure out the rest"

There is a pause, the sound of the water dripping off from Gaius' cloth is the only thing that fills the silence.
"So they both know"
The stranger nods but looks far from pleased about it.
"I should have known they wouldn't be so open to the idea"

Gaius was about to speak but the door opens - Merlin makes his appearance. The girl stands up startled.
"It's fine" Gaius turns to her, "this is Merlin my apprentice"
Merlin walks over gingerly taking in the sight - were they friend or foe? The girl was scruffy and badly battered. She didn't seem to fit the new title that was bestowed upon her earlier that day.
The girl looks at the gangly boy approaching her. He seemed rather goofy, with a jaunty red neckerchief hanging loosely around his neck.

"Merlin, this is Elaine"
"It is nice to meet you Elaine" Merlin smiles - all suspicions aside.

Rabbit Heart - Merlin FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora