The End

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Or is it to be continued...that is the question! I'm not entirely sure what to say. Yes the last chapter was an ending. Of sorts. This fan-fiction started a while ago - and I never dreamt of it getting this far. It never really had an end, and now it kind of does.

Thank you to everyone who has been on this journey with me and Elaine. It's been a crazy one. I've never been armed with a definite plan when writing fan-fiction - mostly written on a whim or when the next crazy idea entered my head. It's a shame I've been so busy and unable to write when I would of liked, or when the right sort of idea formed but if it's anything it's me.

I know it may also not be the best fanfiction ever, it has mistakes, weaknesses and errors, but then again doesn't everything? If you can bear with me though I do plan at some point - when graced with free time and free flowing words I will edit it and fix it - adding the odd bits and pieces here and there, but then again knowing me I will be running headfirst into the next big project - whether that if fixing RabbitHeart or starting HeartLines I'm not too sure...oh yeah spoiler... I have a sequel planned - and by that I mean, not much of a clue but a oneshot turned into a 60 chapter "epic"? (Of sorts).

So as of now I'm rather busy but please keep an eye open for the next adventure 😉

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