"But there are no surgeries," the interns whined.

"No, but there is a trauma incoming, run, run, run," She said as the interns started to run.

"You aren't supposed to run in the hospital," Derek commented.

"Okay, you four, don't run, walk, walk briskly," 

Sitting in the Cafeteria Renee kept her eyes on her casserole, she could see the interns staring at her and then looking at each other whispering something at then giggling. She was looking down at her food not realising that Mark was sitting in front of her intently watching her with his eyes narrowed at her. 

"Why are you acting weird?" Mark said taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Oh god," She said pressing her hand to her chest.

"What?" He said spitting a little on her.

"Ugh, disgusting," She said as she took a tissue and cleaned her cheek.

"Sorry, what's the matter?" Mark said wiping his mouth.

"Do you feel like the interns are staring at us?" She asked him nodding her head in the direction of the intern's table.

"Of course, they are gonna stare, have you looked at me? Of course, you have, who could forget the night-" He found her covering his mouth with her hand.

"Stop talking, stop talking now,"

"You weren't saying anything that night," 

"Have we come at the wrong time?" Addison asked.

"Yeah, are you two going to start grinding each other now?" Derek asked.

"Haha, you two are so funny, with your little jokes and your little comments, well stop it!" Renee snapped at them both.

"Somebody's Mr Grumpy today," Addison said.

"Oh no, she's Miss Grumpy, oh come on, Ren, have some humour, oh don't go,"

Mark got up following Renee as she got up and left leaving a laughing Derek and Addison behind who he was desperately trying to shut them up. He followed her until they reached the bathroom and entered it, he stopped and took a deep breath before looking around to check if anybody's there and entered the ladies restroom.

"You can't be in there," She sharply whispered to him.

"Yeah, I don't care,"

"Mark, come on, please-" 

"Shush," He placed a hand on her mouth when they heard some voices coming from the men's bathroom adjoining them.

"I heard they used to date," Someone said.

"No way, from what I heard Sloan's notorious for sleeping around, I even heard he slept with someone else when he and Dr Foster were together," Someone else said. Renee looked over at Mark with a raised eyebrow who just shook his head in denial.

"No, not when we were together,"

"I heard Dr Foster's single, should I ask her out?" One of them asked.

"Dude you're already on Sloan's rectal duties, why would you wanna try to date his ex?"

"3.5?" Mark whispered.

"He's handsome, I think I might date him if he asks me out, a girl can hold for so long," Renee whispered to herself.

"You wouldn't," He said narrowing his eyes at her.

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