Gangrel Feral (Chapter 14)

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The sound of the bow clinging to the floor having slipped from loose fingers brought the vampire to hiss in triumph, smiling against Marie's throbbing throat. The pain was unreal and for a moment she truly believed she was going to die. When her eyes started to close she thought she'd see a flash of her life like described in all the cliche books but there was nothing.

Then she felt that surge again, starting from deep in her chest, expanding out until her arm pushed forward piercing the arrow she still held through the vampire's chest. The warmth of blood seeping over her fingers caused her to grimace.

The latch on her neck was instantly broken as her attacker stumbled back, gripping the offending stick protuding from her heart. A look of sheer disbelief masked the she-demon's face when she looked up at her killer. Marie's eyes widened as she watched the shadows attack their master, devouring her until she was a mist that carried up the fireplace and vanished.

She couldn't believe it...she killed a vampire. "Yes!" Her clenched fist pumped in the air two times before she turned around and danced, wiggling her butt to her own beat. Then she saw Greyson lingering in the doorway and she pulled up tight. "Did you see it?"

He nodded silently in answer. Realizing what else he must have saw she blushed deeply and smoothed her nightgown over her body; making sure that nothing was viewable. When he continued to stand there, staring at her she crossed her arms over her chest and glared back. "What? I did good!"

As if on cue, that familiar surge pushed through her body, only this time it focused down instead of to her arms. When it reached its destination she cried out and collapsed to the floor, holding her thigh. it felt like she was being burned. Greyson made no move to comfort her. He knew what was happening. She killed her first supernatural, she was being branded with the star and her powers were starting to grow.

When Marie looked up again, Greyson was gone. She cried out in anger, frustration and pain then laid down upon the floor still grasping her burning leg. Life hated her.


Greyson stomped out of the house and quickly put the distance needed between them. He knew what it would look like to her. Not staying to support her through the pain. But she would be unstable right now, her hunter blood would be searching for more to kill -- he'd be readily available.

Alec, put two guards on my door. Marie was attacked. She is alright, I just want to be sure that nothing else will try to attack her. He hated that he had to hide her true identity from his pack but he meant to claim her as his Luna. Until he could safely see them past fate's obstacle, he could not risk his pack turning on her.

Once Alec confirmed his order, he felt a little more relaxed with leaving her alone. He trusted that she would not go on the prowl looking for his people, but he could not take any chances. It physically hurt him and his wolf growled angrily for leaving her while she was in pain. The argument that it was for the best continued between them as he crossed their territory and disappeared into a well covered cave.

A long hallway that twisted and separated into several different direction stretched out in front of him. He followed it mindlessly, walking through the twists and narrow slots for more than a half hour before he ended in its pit. There, cut into the stone walls were five cages. All were empty except one.

A feral vampire shot around inside. He aimed for any weak spots, which he would not find. Greyson had a witch seal that spell specifically for vampires. Their shadow and animal shifts would not work. He wasn't certain if this one held the same powers, but his Gangrel friend that Marie killed certainly did.

"Who sent you?" The vampire faltered in his attempts then finally turned and glared at Greyson with glowing red eyes. The demon swaggered forward and braced its arms upon the bars.

"What do I get in return for telling you? Will you free me?" Greyson chuckled and grabbed a chair to sit down, leaning back against it in full comfort. A stretch of his legs out in front of him allowed ankles to cross. The very image of relaxation.

"We do not free feral's who attack our people."

"I did not attack anyone!" The man clenched the bars tightly and tried to pull on them. In return he received a shock that sent him flying back against the stone wall, crumbling to the floor.

"No, you did not personally attack anyone. You were the distraction while your friend attacked my luna. I'm taking it very seriously and hold you accountable for her actions." He knew that dropping the fact he was sent to attack his Luna would spark fear in the young one. And it did the trick, the vampire scrambled up from the floor and shook his head.

"No...No! I was not told who she was. We were paid a great deal of money to come here. I was supposed to be the distraction while she went after the real target. We were told she was a hunter, powerful, that she had to be eliminated. Why would you protect a hunter?"

Anger spurred him to stand and throw the chair against the bars, watching the wood shatter and splinter the vampire inside who cried out in pain. It staggered back and instantly started to pull the pieces free. Each tug more excruciating than the next.

"She is not a hunter!" Greyson had enough, he left the room of cages and stalked from the cave. At the entrance he ordered the guards there to kill it.

If they were paid, it was hunters who sent them. They were used deliberately to waken her powers. He was certain of it. Right now, all he wanted to do was hold her. Fate be damned.

(This is one of my favorite chapters. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Please comment (vote) and let me know your thoughts. Are you warming up to Greyson? Do you think she'll attack him when he gets there?)

Would Be Hunter - Completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن