Chapter 19 - Luna (Edited)

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(This is one of my favorite chapters. Her dress is pictured above.)

Marie laughed softly and puffed out a breath to blow away a wayward curl that had fallen over her face. It was fascinating and entertaining to watch Abigail fuss over her hair. They had thirty minutes before the party started and her friend was freaking out more than she was. Typically she would think that being announced as Luna would trump the hair and make-up fiasco but apparently she was wrong. Abigail had taken one look at her straightened hair and minimal make-up and practically threw her back down in the chair in front of her standing mirror. She'd been tortured for fifteen minutes straight before the blonde even addressed her.

"I cannot believe you were going to present yourself like that." Abigail nagged while releasing one strand from the warmed iron to work on the next.

Another curl fell, receiving an annoyed sigh and roll of her eyes. What did she expect her to do? The contraption Abby was using was completely foreign to her. Who ever heard of a curling iron warmed by fire? She was terrified to even touch the thing. "Typically I curled my hair with an iron I could plug in and heat safely. I'm freaked out enough as it is watching you curl mine thinking you're going to singe it off. I'm expecting it to fall into my lap at any second."

The bustling blonde just tsked in response and moved around to her front to finish. Her placement put a sudden set of breasts in Marie's face that she was not prepared for. A jerk of her body pulled her face away but rewarded her with a sizzling sound as the iron touched her scalp.


Both of the women screamed at the same time, one in pain and the other in terrified surprise. The reflexed response brought her hand up to press at the new wound only to touch the heat of the iron emitting another hiss of pain. "God Abigail, take it away!" She watched patiently as the blonde complied, waiting for her to take a full step away before risking to touch the wound again. The bending of her waist brought her closer to the mirror, parting her hair to look at the burn and sighing when it was not obvious nor did it look as bad as it sounded and felt.

"I think it'll be okay." Silently she knew that her faster healing ability would help.

A sudden break of laughter from behind them had both women turning to look at the redhead rolling around on the bed. Stephany had come in with Abigail but cared very little about primping. She felt that a natural woman was more beautiful. So she laid out on the bed and watched Abigail torture her new best friend.

"Not funny Stephany."

"Oh on the contrary Marie, I find it quite humorous indeed. I had said the fuss was not necessary. You are a beautiful woman."

Marie silently agreed that it was not necessary, but she didn't want to hurt Abigail's feelings. The two had only just become friends. Good friends, surprisingly enough. Most of the women in the pack had taken to her. The ones that had not, she was told, had a special interest in Greyson and were not happy to see her come along and take him. A mere human getting an Alpha wolf was unheard of. 

They would find out tonight that she was not a mere human.

A knock at the door quickly quieted all the women to focus upon it. Before Marie could stand she heard the shuffling of cloth from behind her as Stephany scooted from the bed and stood to cross to the door. When opened it revealed a very serious looking Veirae standing behind it.

"Out. I need to speak to Marie." The angry undertone in Veirae's voice made her squirm in her chair but she nodded in reassurance to her friends before standing. A push of her hands smoothed her sweating palms over the crisp white cotton of her gown. When the door sealed their privacy, Veirae took a deep breath and approached her slowly. It was almost predatory and made Marie's spine straighten in preparation. A quick pivot allowed her to place the chair between the two and when her friend saw the movement she stopped and shook her head.

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