Chapter 8 - Truth Revealed (Edited)

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Greyson swirled the amber colored contents of his glass slowly while staring into the fire in front of him. It had been two days since he had dispatched Alec with a small team of men to investigate Marie's hometown. He was afraid at what they might find. At the same time he hoped it would clear her. Then she would be free and they could try to reconnect, find out what was meant.

A soft exasperated sigh puffed from his lips into the glass when he took a sip. It wasn't likely she'd forgive him. He wouldn't. The week leading up to the dispatch, he heard rumors of what Alec was doing to her. Starving her. Soaking her with water while she stood out in the snow. Still, she withheld information. Alec believed it was because she was trained well and suggested that they just kill her. It was pointless to keep trying when she gave them nothing.

Through all this, his doubt began to unravel. The possibility that he had made a grave mistake laid heavily on his heart. Not when it came to her friends, he knew they were hunters. There was no other explanation for the weapons they had found and the tattoos on their bodies. And their vehicle had been marked by a scout team. All believed they were headed for the Nightstone pack. His pack.

It was his decision that day to pursue them. To stand in front of their vehicle and cause the accident. What he had not planned was getting knocked out momentarily himself. By the time he came to, one of them had escaped. The other two were dead, and then there was Marie.

He had heard her heartbeat and the faint, labored breaths. She would have never survived if he left her there. It would have been a slow painful death as she bled out. He had every intention of ending it quickly for her when he approached the SUV.

Then her scent hit him. Enveloped him and knocked out all deadly ambitions. His wolf cried softly and howled for his injured mate. He had pressed his snout against her pale cheek to try and wake her with no response. The decision was made then to bring her back with him. Ignoring all angered cries from his pack. He used the excuse of interrogating her to calm their grated nerves.

Greyson stood and walked to the chest in the corner of the room. Lifting the lid, he shifted around the contents until he reached the bottom. There, a scarf lay folded neatly, untouched since he first rejected her. Now he lifted it and brought it to his nose, inhaling her scent. He had found it in the totaled vehicle after the accident. There was no blood so he assumed she had removed it in the heated car. Why he had taken it, he didn't know, perhaps a nice memoir of his mate if they were unable to save her.

But the weeks that followed thankfully allowed him to watch the progression of healing while she was in a coma. Wanting to hold her one minute, then cursing the moon goddess for giving him a hunter as a mate the next. It was a constant battle between his human intuition and his wolf's desire and connection to her. When she came around, he masked it with hate. And part of him did wish that he could hate her.

But he was weak. As they spent more time around each other, the pull became stronger, more difficult to fight. Even Veirae saw it. Her attack made him realize the only way he'd be able to properly care for his pack and pull the information he needed, was if he rejected her. None of the stories he heard prepared him for the pain that it caused. Every day, looking upon her beautiful face, hearing her heart beat, tore a little more of his soul away. He was a broken spirit and the connection to his wolf was suffering because of it.

Even now, as he took another sip of brandy, he called softly to his wolf but there was no answer. He heard the soft whimpers but could not reach them. When he sought to try again, considering even forcing himself to shift, the cell phone beside him rang. It was the only connection to the outside world his pack had. He truly believed that modern society and its technology corrupted. His pack was safer without those means.

The cup of brandy was placed beside it to free his hand and capture the small black device. "Alec."

"Alpha. We were able to locate Marie's home. And her friends."

"And? What did you find?"

"Her parents are legit. We presented our fake IDs and pretended to be investigators looking for her. Don't worry; we made sure that our scent was covered. But there was no indication that they were hunters."

"And the others?" Relief flooded him even as the guilt started to seep in.

"Their homes were vacant..." Greyson stood and paced in front of his fireplace, one hand pushing through his hair roughly. That heavy feeling in his heart just became worse. "There's something else you should know Greyson." The lengthy pause at the end grated his nerves, what the hell could he be hesitating about?

"What? For godssake Alec, just spit it out!!"

"Marie was the only one reported missing. Between that, the worried parents and her friend's vacant homes, we think she was telling the truth."

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