Chapter 6 - Best Friends Forever (Edited)

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(Flashback. Sorry!! I know you're all wanting to find out who's missing or still alive but I thought this would be a perfect time to give you a little more of Marie's history.)

"One, two, three, NOT IT!" Christine and Marie pointed at Joseph and laughed before their tiny feet carried them away from the counting ten year old. They giggled and danced anxiously about in one place while deciding which direction to go and hide.

"eight....nine..." They had until he reached twenty but their time was quickly ticking away.

"Let's go that way....behind the shed" Christine started to pull her in that direction but Marie knew better. Joseph always looked there first. Both her heels dug into the grass, halting her friend's progress before they wasted anymore time and was too far from her planned destination to make it in time.

"No, this way, under the deck." Marie broke her hand from Christine and ran towards the house. Reaching the side of the high deck, she reached out and pushed the thin piece of plywood out of the way, just enough to squeeze through. It was perfect! They weren't allowed under here; his dad purposely put the wood up to keep them out. Joseph would never look for them here.

"Ewww, gross. I am not going under there. There are bugs and snakes and stuff." Christine's blonde head barely cleared the opening as she peered in on Marie. Her nose wrinkled in disbelief that her friend was crouching beneath hanging spider webs. "Yuck..., you're disgusting."

"Twenty! Ready or not!" Right as Joseph finished, Marie reached out and grabbed Christine's hand, pulling her underneath with her. One hand clapped over her mouth to keep her from screaming while the other pulled the plywood back over the opening.

When his shadow passed on the way to the shed, Marie looked back at her friend and mouthed told ya so. Christine stuck her tongue out in response and inched closer to Marie, looking around them hurriedly as if something was going to pop out at them.

They had been hiding for nearly 10 minutes when Joseph's shadow walked by again. The girls exchanged a look silently agreeing to reveal themselves. Marie's hand only just curled around the plywood when a rustling was heard behind them. Both of them turned together to find the source and met a pair of glowing eyes.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" The plywood crashed to the ground and they stomped over it, tackling the startled Joseph in their attempt to flee whatever creature was about to eat them.

"You guys cheated!" "Put the wood up!" "You're not allowed under there!" "Put the wood up!" All of them yelled at the same time but Christine planted her hands against his back and pushed to force him closer to the deck. He shook his head and lifted the plywood, about to put it back in place when a bunny hopped out of the hole and hurried past them. He glanced between the harmless bunny and their horrified faces before falling to the ground in a fit of laughter.

"HA! You guys were afraid of a bunny! Aww...was the whittle bunny gonna hurt the poor whittle girls? WIMPS!" Each of the girls took their turn to hit him and push his already rolling form still shaking with laughter. "Not funny...okay...maybe a little." It wasn't long before all three were laughing hysterically.

They were still chuckling about it later over the snack his mom had brought them. "There was something else under there. I swear! It had big beady eyes and it was going to eat us!" Christine kept insisting, even pulled both hands up on either side of her face in a claw like motion as she bared her teeth. She was rewarded with a pillow in the face thrown by Marie.

"Drama Queen."

"Okay, okay, it was a Bunny. But when we retell the story we have to say that it was at least a raccoon or rabid cat or something."

Marie fell back on the bed with laughter, chomping on a bite of a fresh-baked cookie. "Promise me something guys."

"What?" She laughed when they spoke together. They were always doing that.

"Promise me that we'll be together forever. Best friends."


(Short chapter. But it's just to give you a little more understanding of what they meant to her. I'm working on the chapter of the reveal right now. You'll find out who's still alive soon enough.)

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