#(9) Things are getting more interesting!

Start from the beginning

"Who has kept you out in this cold? Oh poor thing! It must be a rude and heartless person like Fathima.You are such innocent like me.And we both are...."

I can't control myself laughing when he called himself alike that puppy.
He looks at me suddenly and stands up from the ground.

"You? What else have you left to say?"

He was holding to the puppy but now he places it in the ground.

"I know you must be telling me now how dirty I was while holding the puppy?" He says with look full of clear hatred.

"No, it's a cute puppy," I say and I hold the puppy in my hand from the ground.

"You.....like it?"

"Of course! Who would dislike a cute puppy, like you ? "


"You are really stupid".

"Yes,I think I am,"he says while smiling and acting like a kid.

"I am sorry for my behavior."

"No, it's okay.I - I just got a little bit annoyed. Your behavior was not that bad."

"So....it was bad."

"No, I mean yes,I mean a little bit ,no, just not good or I don't know...."

"Stop! I know I was rude.So, now I have to make up it for you."

"But how?"

"Inviting you at the dinner?"

"Wait....", saying this he pinches his own hand and then says,

"Ouch! I am not dreaming!"

"You think I am not capable of inviting you!"

" No,no, it's not that.It just seemed unreal.Like you,who can't even bear me a second, invite me for dinner?"

"You.....", I take the puppy closer his head and I say to the puppy,

"Bite him ,bite him."

He shields his face with his hands from the puppy and saying,

"I just told the truth!"

I stop and we both laugh.

"Sorry but I can't come for dinner."

"Why? You didn't forgive me?"

"No, it's not that.My mom's going to faint if I stay here any longer.So maybe next time."


"I swear to this puppy!"

"Okay ,Allah Hafiz!"

"The puppy?"

"I will keep it in my house."

"Okay, Allah Hafiz!"

He crosses the road and again waves his hands before entering his door.

I go inside my house and I place the puppy in our basement with a small cussion.I eat dinner with Shahid and like usual after saying my prayer I go to bed but not before taking the coffee made by Shahid.I think he is doing the coffee very sincerely for me.Before this he never gave coffee to me before sleeping.

(Fahad's POV)

I wake up early in the morning and say my Fajar prayer.My mom,dad don't know yet that I am saying the 5 times prayer regularly.If they know it, I think they will get a heart-attack.

(Fathima's POV)

I get ready after taking breakfast and leave home for the forensic lab.I see Fahad waiting for me at the door.I feel happy in my heart but I don't express it in front of him.

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