Crazy in Love

336 14 16

July 23, 1989
When I woke up, Marshall, Gary, Robert, and Robert's mom were all in the kitchen. I smelt bacon, and was engulfed in blankets. I climbed out of bed, and brushed my teeth in the restroom.

"Morning," I yawned. Their heads turned to mine and they said morning. Marshall threw up the peace sign and I laughed at that. "You're dad called, he's picking you up this evening," I nodded and sat on a bar stool by the island.

"How long have you guys been up?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. "Two hours, we thought you would never wake up." Bob said. I now call Robert Bob. "Haha, I was having a good dream." I said, my eyes wandering towards Marshall.

"About," Ms. Claus asked, getting out plates for us. "Umm, Id rather not."

"Oh, it was o e of those dreams," Marshall smirked.

I went red when he wrapped his hand around my waist. "We have all had one right?"

"Not me!" Bob said, his eyes lighting up. "Boy shut the hell up, you know you dreamt about Bailey once or twice." We all laughed at that but I just glanced at him. "You had a crush on Bailey?" I chuckled. "More than that, he freaking bought her flowers on Valentine's Day." I smiled when his mom said that, and he dropped his head onto the island.

"You guys suck, I was twelve." I don't know why, but I loved how they all had a connection before I got to Detroit, it reminded of my life in flint. Maybe I did have a friend here and there, but we moved from house to house so much I never had a true friend.

"So. I had a crush on Michael Jackson when I was twelve." I said, blushing as everyone giggled. "Yo, there was this girl named Beth who went to Dort Elementary with me. Everyone was so mean to her, but shit, she fine now." Marshall winked and I nearly died at how cute that was. "Dude I am in need of a girlfriend right now, like seriously. But the thing is I only like one girl." Gary grabbed a juice from out the fridge and sat back down, waiting on breakfast.

"Who?" Marshall made an O with his plump lips and and stated between him and Gary. All of a sudden I saw a car pull up. Marshall's mom's car. "Umm guys, Marshall's mom is here."

"What?!" He peeked through the blinds and turned to us. "Fuck! I gotta hide."

"Get behind the space heater!" Bob yelled. "No go to the room!!!" I yelled, she was getting closer and I stared at the commotion. "Everyone hide somewhere and calm down, I got this." I hid behind the heater with Gary and Bob, while Marshall laid flat on the sofa, so she wouldn't see him.

"Hi Debbie what brings you by?" Roberts mom asked, very friendly like. "My sons here isn't he?"

"Marshall's not here Deborah, but if he comes I'll call." I watched Debbie narrow her eyes inside and Ms. C stopped her. "He's not here so move along, I'll call later." They said their goodbyes and the car pulled out and drove back. "You can stop hiding now." She said, going back to the kitchen.

"Thanks so much." Mickey sighed, sitting at the bar stool next to me. "Breakfast is ready."

After breakfast we didn't really do anything. I showered and changed into a navy blue collared shirt, basketball shorts and I pulled my hair into a messy bun. We all sat in a circle on the floor, and just talked about random crap. "You guys wanna play truth or dare?" Robert asked and they all nodded.

"Whoever does all their dares gets a kiss from Bella." I gasped and they shrugged. "You in?" I nodded and really hoped Marshall did all his dares. "Okay, Gary I dare you to grab Roberts mom in a seducing way." He got up and we watched from the hall as he wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear.

"Outta your league Gare Bear." She laughed and he ran back to us shaking his head. "Okay Bella, I dare you to tell us who you'd wanna have sex woth outta of, Marshall, Rufus, and...Proof!" They all laughed as I face palmed myself. "Really guys?" I shook my head. "I guess Marshall." They all laughed but Marshall glanced at me and winked.

"Yo man I dare you next Marshall, conduct traffic." Bob said to Mickey. "What?! Are you crazy?!" He stood up but laughed as he walked outside, we followed, waiting on the sidewalk. He waited a long time before he started pointing left and right, telling people to stop. No one listened, but thank God he did it.

~~~Last Dare~~~
So far it was out of Gary and Marshall, the dare was to hug each other naked, Mickey was all for it, but Gary just wouldn't. He would go for his pants then stop himself. "Fine, you win Marshall, go ahead make out with Bella." They all watched as he sat beside me and I just stared at my palms, that were really sweaty and red.

He leaned in when I looked up and placed his lips to mine. My mouth moved with his, his hand on my waist and the other, keeping my face with his. I tasted toothpaste on his breath and his tongue grazed over my lips, i opened my mouth and our tongues danced with each other. The kiss grew deeper, to the point where he was rubbing my breasts. I've never done this.

I was so freaking scared, because in this moment he kissed me like he wanted me and that's what got me. "Guys Stop." Bob said, but Marshall didn't and neither did I, i let out a moan as he pulled away and I was breathless. He placed a peck on my lips one last time and I stared into his eyes. He smirked at me and in that moment, my heart raced faster than the fastest race car.

"Lucky son of a-"

"Bella your dads here." I heard from the kitchen and I walked out grabbing my stuff from the room. "Bye guys, Bye Marshall."

"You too. I'll call you." I smiled and turned to leave.

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