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The two weeks I spent at Autumns were horrible after I figured out Bailey was back. I didn't like this new attitude. She was somewhat more stubborn than the last time we talked. I get that she would've changed, we grew up, of course we would, but she changed in a bad way.

My parents say on their bad and I sat in between them as we watched some show on TV. "Oh your teacher called the other day," My dad spoke, his voice sounding hoarse. "He was going on about how he got you a scholarship at The University Of New York. I told him you would look into it, you don't even have to pay for tuition or books. They pay for all of it B. a They must really want you." I beamed at him and nearly died of how much I hugged him.

"That's great, but let's keep our eyes open okay, I don't wanna go too into it and then a better offer comes up." He nodded. "Hey why don't you invite the girls over. You haven't seen them in a while."

"Oh yeah. Sure. I'll call em' up."

Jeanette, Aria, Melanie, and Kori were all here. We sat in my room with a pizza in the middle of us. We had home alone playing and we were all drinking some kind of beverage while talking about random stuff. Kori sat in my bean bag chair reading some magazine and Jeanette was messing with her long finger nails. Aria and Melanie were chirping about my relationship with Cory, but all I could think about was that scholarship.

"I'm thinking tomorrow after school we should go get our Prom dresses. I mean it's like next week and then we have graduation soo..." Aria said, shoving her hands in her gray hoodie. "Sounds good to me, I don't have work tomorrow because of some crazy crap about not showing up so."

"I can come too." The rest of the girls agreed and we started talking about after school. "I think I might stay here and work for a little bit, then I'm gonna move away to Chicago or something like that." Jeanette chirped at us. "What about you Melanie. Where you going?"

"Unfortunately I'm going on a road trip with my dad. We're going to travel everywhere." We all laughed at her response and it was time for me to tell them I was probably moving to New York. "I'm umm, I'm gonna leave and go straight to college. I'm thinking I'm gonna go to New York since I got a good scholarship, but I still have eyes open."

(Aria) Omg noo
(Jeanette) Without you we basically have no connection.
(Kori) I agree, like it's not gonna be the same in the D without you Bella.
(Melanie) I'm gonna miss you guys so freaking much. Like I've never had this kind of connection with anyone besides you guys and you guys are all just gonna split up.
(Me) Gosh I know how you feel. In Washington I had no one, I was basically the loner of Washington (laughter) but when I came here and met Marshall and the guys and yall, I felt like I belonged somewhere, like I had a family again.
(Girls) Awwww
(Aria) we don't have to be totally split. Maybe like after all of us get done with college and road trips, we can all meet up somewhere.
(Melanie) Like where?
(Aria) Like at a concert or something, we can go out to eat afterwards too.
(Me) That's a good idea actually. We could all meet at the airport or something.
(Kori) Yes! After Bella graduates we should all go to the airport.
(Me)It's settled then.

The rest of the night we talked about different stuff and pretty soon we drifted off to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Bailey though. I was supposed to be telling her all this stuff, but instead she was probably out getting drunk or something. I couldn't help but think about all the times we'd talked or hugged. I missed my best friend but she wasn't there anymore. She was simply just someone who had lost that good nature that she carried with her for ages.

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