Another family story.

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My head throbbed endlessly. This wasn't a cold, or the flu. This was nausea caused my intensified shock.

Marshall pulled over on the side of the street. He moved to my side of the car to open the door, and I stuck my head out to make sure I didn't throw up again. "Bella I'm sorry. I was just mad because I saw you with Cory, and you barely knew him. Im so fu-"

"Stop apologizing. Its my fault this happened. I shouldn't have turned into such a whore. It's just seeing you and Kim, and how strong you guys's relationships was. I craved attention." He didn't say anything. He just crouched by my legs and waited to hold my hair back as I hurled. If I did.

"Look, how bout we just wait and see what happens. I can hold back, and let you do your thing and I do my thing. But no fucking."

"Okay that's easy, Im still a virgin. It'll be harder for you."

"Remember when we were younger and I put mop water on you?"

"Yes, what does that have to do with any of this?" He stood to his feet, noticing that I wasn't gonna hurl anytime soon. "If you fuck anyone, I'll do it again, but it'll be worse." We both laughed a little, and I settled back into my seat.

I arrived at my house almost at eleven I think. My dad and Kat didn't mind that I was late but they did mind that I looked like an utter piece of crap. So I showered and put on a black 1-z. I blow dried my hair then sat on my bed, reading the dictionary. Marshall was all I could think about. He loved me, but somehow it didn't feel right. It felt like he was cheating on Kim with me and I don't like that at all. I just wish Em was famous and so was the rest of us so we could escape this.

It seems right but this is no life to live it's really not. I wish I had a huge fancy house that we all shared, and everyday we all sat at a big round table, but it's far from that. My thing with Cory isn't over though. I like him I really do, and even with Marshall being in love with me I still need options.

"Hey you okay?" My dad walked in with Kat, holding a water bottle and done fruit. "Yea I'm good just thinking." They sat at the end of my bed and smiled. "Care to tell us what?" Katherine suggested.

"When we lived in Washington I thought that was it for us you know? I thought my mom being dead and U.S. Living with Autumn was the only thing my life would consist of. Fortunately I was wrong. I have you guys and Marshall. And Proof, and Bizarre. The girls, and Denaun. I have friends and family here."

They just smiled at me and went in for a huge hug. Moments like this I was proud to be apart of the Meyers family.

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