Kim Part II

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July 22, 1989,

I woke up to the sound of the TV clicking off. My hand across Marshall's chest and his face so close to mine you'd think we did something. Proof was asleep half on the recliner and half on the floor, with a dread touching his upper lip. Tris went home last night after Batman, and after she was gone we lived it up. Making different foods out of what we had and prank calling people.

We eventually fell asleep sometime that night after watching little mermaid twice. My dad clicked the tv off I think and as he made his way out my eyes traveled to Marshall's. His blue orbs were staring directly at me and I couldn't help but blush even though it meant nothing. "Hey um Bella, go get dressed real quick." He whispered/yawned.

"Why," I questioned, listening to the crack of the bones in my knee. "I'll tell you when we get outside, now hurry."

My head rang from the sound of the train close by, and I hugged my Hollister jacket close to me. "Alright Umm we gotta head to a friends house okay?" I stared at the cement below and whispered, "Do I know this friend?" The air grew thick and Marshall came close to me. "Not yet Bells, but you will. His name is Robert Klause."

We started walking, and he grabbed my hand out of no where. "Bella I don't think I told Kim." My hand grew sweaty and I nearly started to cry for him. "W-was sh-she upset?" Marshall shoved his hands in his pocket and shook his head. "She was more than upset, she wanted to freaking kill me. Got really mad with Jeanette too, we broke up."

"M-marshall that's horrible!!!" I choked on my words looking at him. "Then we went to my place and Umm we got back together, she um...Bella she, I freaking love her." That crushed me. Because nothing hurts more than feeling unwanted most by the person you want the most, and he's who I wanted, but I would never have him and that is what defined me right now. Not having what I yearned for.

"That's wonderful Mickey. Umm how'd Jeanette take it?" I asked, looking at every house we passed. "She's fine, to be honest she just shrugged it off." I nodded and he grabbed my hand again. "Here it is." It was a white, wooden building, with a small garden in the front and a welcome mat in the front.

We walked up the sidewalk, my flats glazing over the gravel. Marshall knocked and I stayed behind him. "Hey M, what's up?" I'm guessing it was Robert. He had brownish blond hair and was chubby in some places, a little shorter than Mickey. "Come in, Gary's here." I rocked on my heels and followed into the dimly lit living room. Gary sat on the recliner, eating watermelon and Robert's mom was watching the news.

"Hey Mathers, Whatcha up to, and who's the sexy lady behind you?" His mom said and I chuckled. "This is Bella, she's my best friend and I'm doing good but my mom's not."

I sat on Gary's lap and we talked about school and who annoyed us the most while Marshall chatted with Robert and his mom. "Yea she's crazy, she takes pills like crazy man, and last week she trashed my room." Rob's eyes grew big and I bit hard on my lip. "You know you don't have to pull up with that crap anymore M, come live with us for a while."

"Nah man I can't leave Nathan, she'll kill him before he turns four."

"No, I think she can handle him, cmon man."

"Whatever it's up to your mom." Marshall said. Gary and I grew quiet now,watching them. "I don't care, as long as you don't get a girl pregnant." We all laughed, but on the inside I knew Marshall, from now on would be making endless mistakes. "Alright, I'll be here at eight."

"Can I stay for one night too?" I asked, just trying to stay close to Marshall. "Yea baby, you wanna stay Gary?" He nodded and I got up from his lap. "Alright then, at eight I wanna see all of you. I'll call your dad Bella what's his number?" I gave it to her, the smooth skin of notebook paper running against my skin.

~~~At eight~~~
Marshall kept his promise and picked me up at eight. My hair was in a bun and I slept in a tank top and blue pajama pants, holding a suitcase full of stuff. "Hey Bells." Marshall smiled, opening the door for me. "Hey Mickey. You bye me anything?" I teased, staring at the McDonalds bags on the dashboard. "Actually yea. There's a burger in the bag and we can share a soda."

I took a sip of sprit and say it down, reaching in the bag for my burger. Sure enough it was there, still warm. "Soo, I decided I'm not going to school when it starts up again. I failed ninth grade two times already." He chimed, turning the radio up a little. "No you're not. I'll tutor you. And you know how I know this? Because you said the same thing last year and the year before."

"Whatever Bella. If I fail next year I'm dropping out. You'll be in the twelfth while I'm still in ninth? I don't think so." He stated, pulling up to the house. I got out and made my way to the doorstep with Marshall.

~~~Hrs Ltr~~~
We were all asleep. Well except me. Me and Marshall slept in the same room, in the same bed, and a couple minutes ago he was on the phone then he was in the living room like he was waiting for someone. I heard ruckus from where he was and I felt worried, but I didn't wanna go see because what if he didn't want me to. Do it. I told myself. No, I can't.

I stopped debating with myself and walked to the living room, but his behind the door frame.

Marshall's POV
"Kim stop you're gonna wake someone up," I said, as Kim tried to hit me. "I don't give a fuck Marshall! Let the whole world wake up I could give two shits about who sees you get beat up by your hoe!" She said, her blond hair in a ponytail. "Kim shut up, just leave." She slapped me on the arm with the shoe and I would not hit her back. I couldn't.

"Kim Kim Kim, I'm gonna change my name if you say it again. Why are you here, did your mom kick you out Huh? Or did Bella finally get tired of you?" I wanted to just shove her once to make her know I'm not a push over, but she was a girl. A girl that I loved. "No, I left, that's what you're gonna do. You're gonna leave and you're not gonna tell anyone aight?" She pursed her lips and looked to the hallway.

"Is Bella back there in your bed? Are you having se-" I didn't let her finish, I took her face in my hands and made out with her. Her lips meeting mine felt good but I regretted it at the time. "You think kissing me is gonna make me all love sick. Get lost. Don't call me Marshall, and oh tell Bella, sleeping with you isn't as good as you think it would be." She flipped me off and Walked out.

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