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October 17, 1988.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to Marshall...Happy birthday to you." It was dinner and we were having a mini party. There was chocolate cake and my favorite ice cream ever, Cookies and Cream. There was soda, and balloons and gifts. I didn't let him get mine I just kept it in my pocket. "Wappy bitday Mwickey." Nate said with cake all over his face.

"Thanks lil. Bro. This is cool and all, but um I gotta go. You coming Bells?" He looked down at me and I shook my head. "I'm gonna enjoy your drug free birthday." That got a laugh from everyone, but M&M he just glared at me and rolled his eyes. He put on his jacket and kissed his mom. "See you guys later on tonight." He headed out and we enjoyed the party. "Wheres he going anyway?" Charlie asked. "Jeanette threw him a party at her place. Everyone's gonna be there from school and Marshall's friends." I said, slouching. "You should go baby. Have fun." My dad said. "No thanks. I wanna study for a few." My dad nodded and I went to the room.

The tickets were sitting on the top of my bag instead of in it. Hopefully Marshall hadn't seen them or I'm dead. I started searching my bag for stuff to wear to the concert. All I had was casual clothes. I was gonna give up until I turned to the box Jeanette got me. Not everything was pink. There was a faded gray shirt that was loose a little and a black leather jacket with diamonds and it stopped at the middle of my stomach. There were black skinny jeans that were definitely skinny. I just needed shoes. Maybe my converse weren't so bad. I had my outfit for tomorrow so now I just need my hair done. That was a problem. I didn't bring a blow dryer or anything. I'll just deal with that tomorrow.

I studied for three hours and it was eleven o'clock. When I got done I quizzed myself then had Charlie quiz me. Another hour passed by and still no Marshall. I got closer to Nathan and I snooped through Mickey's stuff. I even called Gary and we chatted about lots. Like Bassmint Productions, and other stuff concerning rap. He soon became a close friend and I met a couple more guys. Rufus...we call him Bizarre though. Karnaill Pitts, aka Bugz and that's it. I studied again to the point where I got it all down. Marshall was still gone and Debbie sent me out to get him.

~~~~At Jeanette's House~~~~

It was loud and every girl was dressed like a slut. It kind of made me feel weird when people would accidentally rub against me. I recognized a lot of people from school and I saw Bailey who was dancing with Proof. "Hey have you guys seen Marshall?" They said, "Upstairs." Together and I walked up as peter piper by Run D.M.C. played. I walked into the only room they had up here and I saw Marshall hanging with these guys and a girl with long brown hair. She had blue eyes and was smoking. "Yea I ran away from the hell hole as fast as I could. I wanna know more about M&M though." I saw Marshall wink at her and I was so disgusted right now. "Oh yea? Well I'll show you everything. What's your name again?"

"Kimberley Scott. But you can call me Kim." She said. I was at the point where I was snooping. "Well Kim you said you have no where to live. You can stay with us. I mean I already have a girl at my house I think she could use company." She twirled her hair in her fingers and I was getting angry. "That girl is me and we're going home Mickey!"

"I thought I told you not to call me that!" Kim stood and she looked surprised. "Double M then! I've been at home studying my ass off and talking to your friends on your birthday. While you're talking to girls trying to get a baby at seventeen." Kim's jaw dropped and I figured out who the other guys were. Bassmint Productions. Butterfingaz, Manix, Chaos Kid, and Proof was downstairs. "Um I don't know who you are but I know who I am and I don't get in a guys pants the first day I meet him!" I grabbed marshall's hand and literally had to drag him out.

Kim followed behind and Debbie wasn't gonna like this.


"Awe baby I'm so sorry. You can go freshen up some and I'm pretty sure Bella wouldn't mind sharing." My head popped up from my arm. I was writing a quote from Red Dragon.

"It's fear, Jack. The man deals with a huge amount of fear.'

Because he got hurt?'

No, not entirely. Fear comes with imagination, it's a penalty, it's the price of imagination."

Thomas Harris, Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter, #1)

I seriously needed a journal. "No! She can wear that stuff Jeanette gave me." I made sure to hide my outfit for tomorrow, but to be honest I didn't even wanna go now it was gonna suck having her here only because she's taking Marshall away from me. Since we got home Marshall keeps talking with her and avoiding me. He still doesn't know about the tickets and I could care less, but it's gonna be his first so why not. We were now in his room and Kim was sitting on the bed across from Marshall and they were talking while I read Wuthering Heights. "Say Kim since you're sort of living with us now do you wanna go out with me?"

"Sure. I don't care." I looked over at them and Marshall caught me. "Please don't tell my mom? She'll kill me. She'll kick Kim out." I nodded and went back to reading. Now he wanted to talk.


Marshall actually met Kim in 1987 sooo....yea. A lot of things might change in this story in the years but rather than that It's all stuff that's happened to Eminem, in some ways. Oh and at the end of every twelve chapters there will be a question, first one to answer it right gets a dedication.

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