Chapter VII- A Healer Amongst the Battle

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"Why can't you warn the King?" Boromir questioned.

Autumn sighed. "He doesn't trust me yet. I am a woman, and he doesn't trust what I have to say... probably because of Saruman mudding his mind through Gríma."

Boromir's protective instinct reared up, but so did his shame for holding her back in Edoras. Autumn meant to kill the King's advisor to prevent the Exodus from Edoras and whatever else lay ahead. Perhaps if he had listened to Autumn and not restrained her, they would've been able to stay in the city instead of leaving.

Autumn saw the look on his face and forced a small smile. "But I have the trust of my company, and that is what matters. I have your trust, Boromir. There is nothing else I could ask for."

"Really? There is nothing else? I don't seem convinced by that statement, Daughter of Estë." Melkor's silky voice hissed. He was taunting her, trying to get a reaction out of her, but Autumn wouldn't give it to him.

Boromir took her hand in his and kissed it softly. "And you have my trust, my love. I am the luckiest man here in Middle Earth. I will not stray from your side, and if the battle takes me away, I will return to you."

Autumn's mouth curled into a bright smile, and her face flushed. Her heart was thumping in her chest— Boromir made her feel like a schoolgirl with her first crush.  But it ran much deeper than just a "crush," she realized. She knew in her heart that Autumn loved the Gondorian.

Ahead a bit was Gimli and Legolas, who were conversing back and forth. Boromir chuckled at their banter. He had grown close with the Dwarf, and even the Elf. Their companionship while pursuing the Uruk-Hai that had stolen away Autumn and the Hobbits, meant so much to him. Even Aragorn, whom he was apprehensive about at first, had become his close friend.

"Go to them," Autumn smiled. "I will be fine."

Boromir opened his mouth to protest but felt the steady hand of the Ranger clasp his shoulder. "It is alright, my friend. No harm will befall her."

Aragorn was walking Brego beside the couple now. He looked tired and a little sad. He'd dreamt of Arwen last night, and he missed her so much. It seemed the further he was from Rivendell, the more his heart began to hurt.

Boromir looked to Autumn, who nodded with a smile. "Go," she said. "I will be right here when you return." She pushed him forward playfully, and with a chuckle, he obliged and went on ahead to chat with his friends.

"So na-a mára rúatan," Aragorn said quietly to Autumn with a small smile. The Ranger spoke in Elvish to keep the conversation private. He is a good man.

"So reallime na-," Autumn grinned. He really is. She nudged him playfully. "Manen, are tye?" She asked. How are you? He hesitated. "Honestly, how are you?"

His smile fell. "I find myself thinking more and more of Arwen. This distance, it's incredibly hard. She leaves with her people for the Grey Havens, and she will leave and never return to these shores. I dreamt of her last night as if we were in Rivendell together one last time. She told me it was not the end, but the beginning of something. She said that my path laid with Frodo."

"Your path is not hidden from you," Autumn replied quietly. "Despite what you think." She hesitated for a moment before repeating what Lady Arwen had whispered to the Ranger in his dream the night before: "Si peliannen i vâd na dail lin. Si boe ú-dhannathach." The Elvish came from her mouth smoothly, a gracious gift from Lady Galadriel. It is already laid before your feet. You cannot falter now.

Aragorn's hazel eyes grew wide at her words. "You never fail to surprise me, Lady Autumn," he said lowly. "It seems I cannot even enjoy a private moment with my beloved without you knowing. Many months ago, you said I would see her. I know that your knowledge of Middle Earth and her timeline is vast. Though I know what you can say is limited, I must ask, what do you know of my future and Arwen's?"

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