Chapter 12: Concert

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I wanna show you this really cool bookshop in town," She said getting into her silver car. I got in too.

"You didn't tell Leo what Serena said right?" I asked bluntly.

She just smiled before saying "No."

"Good," I mumbled to myself.

"Mumford and Sons?" She asked.

"You know me too well," I said before we starting to singing together we actually sounded quite good, Lauren had a very soft voice.

All the way there we were talking and laughing, she was really cool and made me forgot about my problems for a while.


"So your from England,"

"Well, yeah I was born in Australia but I came to England," I said.

"Cool, I've always wanted to visit Australia," She replied.

"You should go, its really beautiful," I replied back.

We were now walking around town, after a while I saw this big old looking book shop. When we went inside the place was crowded, but not with people, but books. We spent a long time talking to each other and talking about the books we had read and what we should read.

After about an hour we I had picked up six books and Lauren had got seven. We payed for the books and then left.

"So what do you want to do now" Lauren asked politely.

"I don't know, I though you were the one showing me around," I said honestly.

"Right, well this little girl is a little bit stuck," She replied.

"Hey, is that a music store," I said pulling her in the direction of the shop.

"Yay! time for music," She exclaimed a little too excited, but I mean who could blame her?


We spent a lot of time in the music store, but it was getting dark quickly so we decided to do something more fun, the street lamps were on and there were fairy lights attached to them so the hole town looked magical. We were walking when Lauren spotted something she liked.

"Oh my god, Alison look concert tickets to see Ed Sheeran, I cant believe its not sold out," She said running like a mad women, there was a very long queue.

"This is going to take forever," I said looking at the line, "and look at the screen, only twenty tickets left," I said knowing it was going to be impossible for us to get in.

"Don't worry about it, I'll think of something," She said looking deep in thought. At that moment  two dressed in suits came up to us,"

"Y-yes?" I asked worried, I mean they looked scary.

"Where are your tickets?" I stared at and Lauren.

"I got us tickets, since I know how much you love him," She said casually. I started  jumping up and down like a maniac. I couldn't believe it.

I was so shocked. When we went in we saw the whole place was packed. We found our seats even though nobody was sitting down, the hole arena was full, the sky over head was dark and a cool breeze was spreading all over me. I couldn't believe I was at an Ed Sheeran concert.

When Ed Sheeran came onto the stage everyone went crazy, we started singing along to all the songs, at one point he told us to hold any light we have in the air, I used my phone. It was amazing and I loved that he was just there with a guitar and a hoodie on.

After the concert had finished we went to a local bakery to grab a milkshake, I got vanilla while Lauren got strawberry. Even though I had been screaming like crazy I wasn't hungry at all.

Finally we decided that we should go home since it was getting late. I hadn't had that much fun in a long time, since me and Serena had been fighting so much. The ride home was really fun we talked about the concert and just generally chatted about things girls talk about.

"Wanna hang out at the beach tomorrow?" Lauren asked.

"I would love to, but I kinda have other plans tomorrow, how about the day after?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah, of course," She said smiling. "That was so much fun."

"I know right," I said still buzzing.

"Okay, well I better go, bye," I said as she left. When I got home I saw that Serena was in the kitchen with Wesley. Well, shes been busy.

"Hi Wesley," I said walking in.

"Hey," He said getting up to leave.

"Oh you don't have to go," I said he was probably leaving because I was here.

"No, its okay, I'm busy anyway," He said bye to Serena and then he left.

"Hi, where have you been?" She asked.

"I was hanging out with Lauren we actually got into an Ed Sheeran concert," I said smiling.

I could see the jealousy in Serena's eyes, I knew it was more because I hung out with Lauren than 'cause of the concert.

"Look, we need to talk," She said seriously.

"Yeah, we do," I said slowly sitting down.

"Look, I'm sorry Ive been a bitch okay? I shouldn't have gotton jealous, please forgive me?" She asked and she looked sincere.

In case I haven't mentioned it enough, I hate having fights, so I forgave Serena, since Lauren hadn't mentioned it to Leo anyway.

It had been a long night, so I went up to bed, on the bed was a note from Leo, "It wasn't me."...Yeah right. Who else could it have been?

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