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"What are you thinking about?" Her best friend asked, noticing that Cathy was deep in thought.

"Thinking." Cathy answered, finally out of her daze.

"Your thinking about thinking?" Her best friend questioned. All the years that they've been friends, this is the closest she has been to finding out what goes on in Cathy's head.

"Yeah." Cathy brushes off. No longer interested in talking about her head. The crazy things that run through her head. The pool of thoughts that lead her to where she is today. Cathy zones in and out all day. Her best friend being the only one who notices.

"Cath, you gotta give me something." The best friend said, feed up with the secrecy, the worry of her best friend was becoming consuming.

"Fine, you wanna know?" Cathy snapped. "All day I'm thinking. Overthinking. I don't even know what I'm overthinking about. I keep thinking. Rethinking. Thinking about why I'm overthinking. There is something wrong with my head. There is something wrong with me. Every second of every day I feel lost. I get lost in my head. Lost in the thoughts that consume me. That use me. I can't control them. I don't even know if I want to control them. Where would I start? Your like my sister. But this is something you don't need in your life." Cathy explains, barely stopping to take a breath.


"Don't." Cathy said, standing and walking away. Going back into her daze of thoughts. Allowing her legs to move themselves. Guiding her to somewhere. She didn't care where anymore. She just needed to think. She kept thinking. She wanted to stop thinking.

One last question. What are you thinking about?

One last question.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin