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Slightly NSFW

"I'm bored." Jungkook whined while sitting on the sofa next to Jimin.
They watched TV with an unnecessary huge gap between them.
They felt how both their bodies longed for the other and it took both of them much will power to fight against that desire.

"Then do something, so you aren't bored anymore." Jimin said with an annoyed tone to his voice.
"I want to play my video games." The younger pouted.
"Then go home and play your stupid games."

They were living together for four days already but didn't say more than five sentences to the other.
"I don't want to get sick again." Jungkook mumbled.
"It's so fucking annoying."
Jimin turned to the younger and raised an eyebrow.
"It is but we can't do anything against it at the moment."

Jungkook bit his lips and suddenly a strange thought crossed his mind.
"Uhm I have an idea. But I don't know if it will work and it will be really, really weird."
"What is it?"
"I uhm... Maybe we could cuddle..." Jungkook stuttered.
"Are you insane?" Jimin spit out and crossed his arms.
"I just thought maybe we have to charge, so we can leave each others side for a few hours." Jungkook mumbled.

Jimins eyes grew wide, he didn't think about that. Like a battery that could be charged, they needed too charge their energy as well.
"It could work."
"Do you think so?" Jungkook blushed slightly, he still wasn't sure if that was one of his worst or most brilliant ideas.
"We don't have another Option than trying it right?"

Jimin opened his arms and Jungkooks heart began beating like crazy.
Jungkook wasn't sure if his body just was was exited to be near Jimin or if he deep down missed Jimins hugs and being close to him.
Jungkook knew for a fact, that he had missed the older badly for the past few years, but his anger had always weight more.

As soon as the older locked the younger in his arms the young men felt relieved.
Their body's immediately began to feel stronger and less sick.
Jungkook happily snuggled up in Jimins arms, it felt like coming home to him, as if they were made for each other.

"How long do we have to do this?" Jimin whispered, he whispered out of fear that any loud sound could destroy the good feeling he had at that moment.
"I don't know, but my body feels so strong and healthy, no headaches no pain." Jungkook whispered back.
"Mine too, I wished that feeling would never go away."

Jimin closed his eyes and sighed relieved.
Out of a habit he began stroking the youngers arm, what made Jungkooks heart stop for a second.
All of this felt so good, nothing could've hold back Jimin from doing just that in this moment.

They sat like that for an hour before Jimin noticed that the younger had fallen asleep.
He smiled and softly removed a strand of hair that was falling over Jungkooks closed eyes.
He had forgotten how beautiful the younger was, and why he had fallen for him four years ago.
He never told Jungkook, that he had liked him too, because he always was afraid of his feelings and to scared too commit.
He was afraid to love his freedom and he was afraid of falling deeper and deeper for the other, so deep that Jungkook would've had the full control over him.

Jimin sighed as he watched the sleeping Jungkook.
"I'm still sorry JK and I wish we could get along some day." He whispered before he fell asleep too.

The day after

"It worked, it actually worked." Jungkook happily said as he entered Jimins apartment.
"It was so good to have some alone time at my apartment."
"You tell me. I could walk around naked, without having to think about a certain someone and just feel myself." Jimin said with a smirk on his face.
"You did what?"
"Oh nothing." Jimin said sweetly.
"I heard exactly what you said."
"So what?" Jimin crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"It's my apartment dumbass, I can do whatever I want to do here."

"Whatever. I thought about something. There needs to be a way to charge even more energy." Jungkook sat down on the sofa and rubbed his temples.
Jimin sat down next to him and cleared his throat.
"Uhm maybe I have an idea... But that will be so uncomfortable for us and embarrassing."
"What is it?" The younger looked confused at Jimin.
"We could...we...you know...uhm that thing...i can't even say it." The older mumbled.
"Kiss? You want us to kiss? Are you insane?" Jungkook began to laugh sarcastically.
"I would never to that. Not in a million years."

"Oh you wouldn't?" Jimin came a little  closer to Jungkook.
"I remember you once did.
I remember how good it felt."
Jimin teasingly kicked his plump lips while coming closer and closer to Jungkook.
The younger tried avoiding him by slipping back on the sofa, if Jimin hadn't grabbed him by his waist, he would have fallen from the sofa.

"Don't hurt yourself Kookie." Jimins voice was raspy and he had a gaze in his eyes, that Jungkook hadn't seen from him in four years.
He knew what that gaze meant and that made his heartbeat increase even more, it felt like his heart would jump out of his chest any time soon.

Both of them couldn't differentiate if what they felt was the spell or if there were old feelings breaking free after being locked deep down for years.
It didn't matter in that moment, their bodies needed each other and they felt that.

Soon their lips were crushing against each others.
It was a messy kiss, their fingers trembled over the others heated body, while their legs were intertwined and they were pressed against each other.

Sometimes they backed away to grasp some air just to lock their lips with the other again and again.
Before they could get to the next step Jimin softly released the kiss.

His hair was a mess and his cheeks were bright red.
Jungkook couldn't resist thinking how beautiful the older looked like that.
"That...thag was... Interesting." The younger stuttered.
"It felt good." Jimin admitted with a shy smile.
And Jungkook nodded in agreement.
"We can make the best out of this situation and let our bodies decide what's best for them. When the spell is gone we can go back to normal. Dea?" Jimin reached our his hand.


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