The Morning After

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A couple weeks after California*

Tommy and Bayley had a great time spending a week in San Francisco. He had no idea what went on there as neither did Bayley, she was also new to the area since she spent most of her life in San Jose and Texas.

The couple became tourists as they ventured through the city day by day. He bought them tickets to go see a show downtown, which they enjoyed.

Most of the time in the mornings, they would wake up and have breakfast with her parents. Bayley's parents were getting to know Tommy more and more each day as they would pick his brain.

More and more Bayley would watch her boyfriend get more comfortable around them which was perfect since she was really in love with him.

With the families getting along with one another, that made Bayley believe that Tommy was the one. Even though she's been through an engagement before, she thinks that he is mister right.

She has no idea how Tommy feels about her. After their first date he already fallen in love with her.

To this day he thanks Donte for making him go on a blind date with him. If he never went then he wouldn't have met his happiness.

Now, Bayley and Tommy were on the final day of being in California. She had some stuff planned as he had the night ready with one thing.

She took him around to all the wineries, it was great. Since dating Bayley, Tommy has found a new look at alcohol. Instead of just drinking it to forget his problems, he now actually takes sips and enjoys the work.

After the taste testing, they had lunch then went on a run through some trails outside the city.

With almost killing Tommy on some side workouts during the run, both went back and freshened up as the night was peaking in.

The couple took off into the evening. Bayley was expecting him to take her to dinner, but Tommy had other plans.

As the sun set, they pulled into a harbor where a seaplane sat at the end. It surprised Bayley as they got ready and jumped in. The couple were flying over the San Francisco area as the night life was coming alive.

Bayley took multiple photos of the outside area, then selfies to match.

They landed back at the harbor twenty minutes later and they were off once again.

Bayley then had the idea to take a little trip to see the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge at night. They pulled up and sat outside for a while, just enjoying each others time while watching the night life come alive.

Before they left, she got a selfie of them sharing a kiss with the bridge behind. Bayley wanted all these romantic photos so she can share them to the world when they're ready.

Even though there are now fan accounts making edits about them already.

Bayley didn't care if the fans saw them out and about in public, as long as they're together then she's fine with it.

When it was time to leave her parents, she was sad since this was one of the best times shes had with them since joining WWE.

Her parents said their goodbyes and left the couple at the airport.

As much as Tommy had a great time, he was ready to be home. With traveling to Las Vegas to San Francisco for two weeks, he just wants to spend time on his couch, with his lady while watching a movie.

Back in Texas*

Friday night*

Tommy still hasn't been back on live recordings after his brutal attack from Extreme Rules. His character was playing it off as he was severely injured after the beating he was handed by Anthony and eventually his own girlfriend.

In My Arms (Bayley × OC) Collaboration Story [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now