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The next Monday from the last chapter*

Bayley and Tommy were on top of the world after going on their fourth date. Even though she's not counting, Bayley feels like they are getting closer each and everyday they spend together.

After the concert, she knows that he's more comfortable around her. They did see a couple bands that he's not big in their genre, but he did enjoy it especially since it put a smile on his girls face.

The whole night was a success to both of them since they met new faces, saw an incredible show and slow danced.

But the spark was broken as they were forced to go back to work that following Monday.

With Money in the Bank long gone, everyone is scrambling to start building matches for the next pay per view; Extreme Rules.

Tommy was on the phone, calling and emailing everyone backstage that worked in writing or producing and was feeding them idea's. At first they didn't know to feel about it, but he was trying to push them to go with it since this could build a fantastic story against two groups.

Multiple meetings were set up for when they walk into the building.

On the drive to RAW*

Everyone was driving into San Antonio, Tommy picked up his girlfriend Bayley eailer that morning.

She had the idea of them having a little roadtrip down there together.

It was a five hour drive and they listened to different music and he introduced her to some of his heavy metal bands. She was hesitant but listened since she got him to change a little, and then it wasn't long before Bayley was adding songs to her playlists.

Selfies were taken and were on hold since they still haven't gone public on their relationship. Fans were on the search for clues on both of their Instagram pages.

A couple photos of her's were of someone holding Flex, and then they would switch to Tommy's to match up the sweatshirt he was wearing while holding her dog.

Things were adding up with them, now everyone was just waiting for them to announce it themselves.

Later on that night*

There wasn't much going on after everyone showed up to the arena. Tommy put his bags away and was stuck inside the conference room with all the writers.

Bayley hadn't seen her boyfriend in over an hour so she went to find the others in the group.


Bayley walked in and saw only Alex and Lexi sitting at a table, on their phones. She walked over and sat with them as they started up a conversation about their plans instantly.

Lexi: So Pam, are we still on for this weekend?

Bayley: Should be.

Alex: Are you and Tommy busy?

Bayley: I'm not..

Lexi: And Tommy?

Bayley: I- haven't asked.

Lexi: Pam. We had this whole thing planned. The boys needed to reconnect.

Bayley: I know. I guess we've just had so much fun together it went over my head.

Alex: Do you want me to ask him?

Bayley: I'll do it. As soon as he's out of the meeting then I'll pull him aside.

They continued to talk as rehearsals were moving along. Her segment was thrown out as Tommy's plan was upped by her, she was planning something to make his idea's look like his vision.

In My Arms (Bayley × OC) Collaboration Story [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now